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Han Seok had sent Han Seo up to his room immediately, his eyes daring his father to question his decision. Smart enough as his Father was, the other did not and simply watched as Han Seo scampered to his room hastily. It was a good thing that the other was going to be out of sight for this, Han Seok did not want things to be marring his already almost perfect image in his brother's mind so soon. That would ruin the fun, which he simply could not have of course. Furthermore he knew his father had a bit of a temper, which he fully intended to use to further his attachment to Han Seo. He doubted very much that he would be leaving this so called private conversation without a bruise or two, which was definitely something that he would be able to use to endear Han Seo to him. The other would see him as some sort of savior. How utterly ironic. Han Seok thought to himself as he followed his father to the study.

"Why..." His father began as Han Seok closed the door behind him. "Did you really attack that other student." Han Seok wanted to roll his eyes. Of course his father would think that there was some other matter involved. It did not matter, he supposed, he had told the truth, and whether or not Mr. Jang believed it, well that was not Han Seok's problem. Well, sort of. It was his problem at the moment considering he was likely going to be slapped or backhanded momentarily, but that was irrelivent in the grande scheme of things. It woulds seem that he was far better at looking farther in the future than his father was...or perhaps just willing to take a few more risks than his father was willing to.

"They hit Han Seo." Han Seok stated clearly. "Apparently it had been happening over the course of a couple of weeks, not to worry though, I am quite confident that they will not be touching him again." Han Seok said this with a painfully wide smile, his eyes glittering. Just looking at Han Seok looking like that, the elder could believe that it was all that it took, it was just unnerving to see the level of possession that Han Seok seemed to have claimed over his younger brother. There had to be more to it though, Mr Jang found it difficult to believe that was the only reason. Han Seok had almost killed that kid. There just had to be more to it...Or perhaps that was his own hopes, considering how dangerous Han Seok was, it would not necessarily be all that shocking if that truly had been the only reason. He did not want it to be, he wanted to think that there was something in his son that was not so dark and malicious, but he could not deny it...not anymore. Han Seok had almost killed a child, and while there seemed to be a good reason for it...the defense of his brother...Mr. Jang was not stupid. He could see the gleam in Han Seok's eyes. He had enjoyed it.

"I see, they hit Han Seo, for a few weeks Han Seo had been bullied, and I suppose that warrants his death?"

"Han Seo is mine." Han Seok stated, his words coming out low and careful. "You brought him here and everything." The words turned soft and delicate. "I suppose you just want me to let him be thrown to the wolves and torn apart do you?" Han Seok questioned, his voice scoffing in disbelief. "I could not do that, Father, you know that." He hummed softly as though wondering what more he could say, or perhaps just enjoying the sound of his humms. Mr. Jang had no idea where he had gone wrong. Sure, he had been a less than kind father, but to have his son more than willingly almost murder someone? Now it was because they had been bullying Han Seo, what about the next time? He knew that it would not stop here. He had seen that glint in Han Seok's eyes and he almost wanted to scream at himself.

"You need help." He stated simply, without conjuncture.

"Why? Because I got back at Han Seo's bully? Because someone was hurting him and instead of playing nice like you would have and throwing money at the issue and hoping it gets resolved I actually did something?" Han Seok felt his head fly to the side with the force of the hit that his father gave. He barely managed to keep a smile from playing at his lips as it happened. Perfect. He thought to himself. Granted he had not expected his father to have the sort of self control not to hit him as he had been showing, so he had needed to goad a bit, but either way, he got what he needed. The smack resounded through the room and he noticed his father staring at him with heavily lidded eyes.

"I do not hope the problem will go away when I throw money at it." He hissed. "I throw money at it because that helps in satisfying those who have been discontented, and you would know that...should you ever get to my age." Han Seok just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Perhaps, but either way, you are still throwing money and hoping it goes away. Hoping those feelings of resentment and anger don't fester. I take recompence in my hands, and you are too cowardly to do so." Han Seok ignored the calls of protest, turning and walking through the door. Mr. Jang could only stare hopelessly as his son left the room. He had no idea what more he could do other than just cover for the boy. His wife had been right...there had been something unnerving about Han Seok. It was far too late to do anything about it though. Han Seok had already been introduced to the board.

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