36: rise fall

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She knows, she knows, and I know she knows 

Piper's POV:

We all exchange looks and run out to the hall. Noah goes to the front and reaches his hand back to push me behind him. 

We look over the stairwell and see my mother standing by the door with fear in her eyes. There stood father. Or, Robert... apparently he is Robby now? I don't know.

His hand is covered with blood and the shards of glass are in his hands and scattered or the floor. He is the first one to spot us. 

"Piper let's go" he says. His words slurring. How is he drunk? It's early in the morning.

"Dad..?" I ask. My voice shaky.

"It is my weekend to have you, happy birthday, now let's go" his words slurring. His voice makes it clear he has something planned.

I look at Mama who is already looking at me. She shakes her head and nods to Noah. She wants me to stay behind Noah. Not go near the man in the doorway.

"Piper Joanne Lane, if you don't get your ass down these fucking stairs right now you will regret it" he has been saying that a lot lately. "You have disrespected me so many times, where is your respect towards your father?" He steps towards the stairs. Noah steps in front of me.

 All I can see is Noah's back. His shoulders rising and falling with every breath he takes. I can tell the rhythm is changing. My hand reaches for my inhaler. 

It is not there.

I remember that I just woke up. I did not have time to get the inhaler from my nightstand.

"Noah, what are you going to do, huh?" Robby asks.

Rise,   Fall,    Rise,   Fall,   Rise,  fall, rise,fall,rise,fall...



He is not breathing.

I look behind me. Chloe is holding a hand over her mouth, eyes wide. 

Sadie is holding onto the railing so tight her knuckles turn white. 

Caleb is not there

Millie shakes Finn's arm. His glare slowly moves from my father's face to Noah's still back. Panic rises to his eyes. He steps forward, his shoulder brushing mine as he walks to Noah. Finn replaces Noah as my "protector" and Millie pulls Noah up the stairs. To where Caleb now is with the inhaler. 

I turn back to Robby. "Oh no, did I cause another attack?" He asks "Piper, or Noah?" My breath hitches. 

"Noah come on" Caleb mumbles. I whip my head around to see a confused Noah propped up on the floor by his elbows. Millie and Caleb now working together to get the inhaler in his mouth.

"Robby, get the fuck out" I turn back around to the broken front door to where Mitchel Schnapp stands. The only father figure in my life now. Dad.

Mom, Mama and Dad get Robby out of the house. Finn turns around to me. But I am already looking at Noah. 

Millie and Caleb have not been successful in getting the inhaler into Noah's mouth. I kneel down I front of him and take the inhaler from their hands. I shove the inhaler into my best friend's mouth. I start to cry. Since I am on my knees, I am higher than Noah. I rest my forehead on his. The inhaler between us. 

Once Noah's breath normalizes he pulls away. "What was he talking about" He asks, referring to the comment about me having attacks. 

My eyes meet with Chloe's. Gaten's hand on her shoulder. She wants me to tell him. But I can't, not now. "When you left, you know what happened with the whole.. starving myself thing, but he would always say that it was like you passed on something to me" I say. I mean, it is not entirely a lie. 

Noah can see right through me but does not mention it. 

I slowly stand up and turn to Finn who pulls me into a hug. I cry into his chest. He rubs my shaking back as I try to compose myself. Everyone is watching.

I feel another arm wrap around me. Chloe. I look up at Finn. He nods. I turn to Chloe who holds me up with one arm and guides me to my room. 

Behind us, Gaten, Caleb and Sadie follow. Millie and Finn help Noah up and try to calm him down. 

I sit on my bed between Sadie and Chloe. "I just don't understand what he was doing" I say "he came to pick me up and broke my house in the process. He is drunk too" 

Gaten nods "I think he got angry and drank, then he came because he wants to spend time with you. I mean, his actions are not justified on any level but I a, sure he means well." 

"This is just a great way to start off your birthday" Caleb sighs. A lightbulb went off in his head though because his eyes lit up "I am gonna fix this" he declares. 

Gaten jumps up "I am really hoping we are think the same thing" he says. They both turn to the doorway, Finn, Noah and Millie just walked in. 

"Noah you know your way around the kitchen so you are coming with us"

Realization hit both Finn and Noah. "Noah, you better know where the waffle maker is"

Crystal speaks: sorry this took so long

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