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   "What do I do, guys?! One of my friends saw you fighting some robot with weapons! I don't think they would be fooled if I tell them you guys were wearing some weird costume!" April panicked over Donnie's phone, stressing about their friend seeing the whole scene.

   "April, it's fine, we've been noticed by some people and none of them ever told anyone simply because no one believes them" Donnie replies confidently as he continues to play a video game with his brother that has a red stripe on each side of his face with a blue bandana meanwhile the other two are sitting next to them watching this twin rivalry go down.

   "I mean, who's going to believe that there are four turtles that stand on two legs doing ninja moves on robots?"

   "Yeah, sure, let's say that no one is going to believe them but they're my schoolmate! We go to the same school together!" April exclaims.
     "They would act weird around me, and they're one of the only people in my life that is normal..."

   "Why do you care so much about how they would act weirdly around you and want your life to be normal? You're a weirdo magnet, you really shouldn't be surprised" the blue one responded clicking heavily at the controller.

   "Leo, you don't get social suicide in school..." April groans "and a girl sometimes just needs normal"

   "You can just transfer schools if you're that uncomfortable about letting one of your schoolmates know us" Donnie suggested.
  "I can't, that's the only school closer to my home, I just can't ask my mom to move!" April replied.

   "I have an idea!" The orange one spoke up "how about we go meet them? It would help them understand that we're not dangerous, April's 'social suicide' would be over, and we would have a new friend!"

   All of them were silent about the orange's suggestion, the voiceover coming from the screen where Leo and Donnie's playing playing in the back ground.
     yeah sure it would fix everything but what if it didn't? It would cause more problems and they only met the person two times in their life, they don't know yet if they can trust them.

   Donnie's sigh broke through the silence.

   "Mikey, no, we can't" Donnie answered making Mikey's smile fade "we don't know if we can trust them at all, they could be a danger for all we know."
  "But, didn't April tell us that the person was so dumb that they took my amazing 'Leo's paper hut' plan??" Leo responded "I don't think they're that much of a threat"

   "You're agreeing with this?" "why not? It's nice having someone new to talk to"

   "I actually agree with Donnie on this one, we don't know if we can trust them yet and we don't know who they are" the red one answered.
  "Thank you, ralph"

   "But it would fix everything, and for me, they're trustworthy from all April's stories about them" Mikey defended.

   "I feel like they're lying" Donnie commented "About?" April questioned as Donnie answered,
     "What if they're just playing dumb on purpose? In the robot incident, they fought that creepy cheery robot to prevent her from smashing my face"

   "That just proves my point of them being trustworthy" Mikey points out "if they are just playing dumb then they shouldn't have fought Miss Cheery Tomato to save you, but they did!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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