Day 2 - Burning

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  Killer stared in fear at his Boss, well, more staring at the floor. He wouldn't dare look him in the eye after him fucking up so much. He completely fucked up the mission, accidentally giving the Stars an important advantage. Yeah, no matter how close he and Nightmare are-it doesn't matter that they're married-he is getting punished.

  "Killer. Look at me." Nightmare said.

  Killer continued looking at the ground, not being able to look him in the eyes. Nightmare sighed, grabbed his face, and forced him to look him in the eyes.

  "You can not even look me in the eyes? You are so pathetic Killer. I always forget how weak you are when you fuck up."  Nightmare jeered.

  "I-I'm sorry Nightmare. I didn't mean to... I sh-shouldv-"

  "Sweetheart, stop apologizing. I hate it when you try to apologize your way out of your punishments."

  "I'm sorry Nightmare."

  "I know you are love. But you're not getting any mercy from me. You don't deserve any."

  "Yes Nightmare."

  Nightmare grabbed Killers wrist with his tentacle and dragged him into the dungeon. He threw him into a cell and forced him onto his knees.

  "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?" Killer asked.

  "Well, if you were anyone else I wouldn't tell you. But since it's you, I'll tell you. I think you've forgotten who you belong to, you've been messing up a lot recently. Just because we're married, doesn't mean you can fuck things up. I'm your Boss Killer. You belong to me. I think you need to be reminded that we are not equals, you will always be less then me." Nightmare said.

  "S-so you-"

  "Take your shirt off."

  Killer stared at him for a second, before removing his shirt. He chucked it off to the side and looked back up at Nightmare. Nightmare got onto his knees and pushed Killer onto his back.

  "Night what are y-"

  "Did I tell you you could talk. You are not allowed to talk when I'm punishing you. It is boring hearing your confused and pitiful babbling."


  "If you're really sorry, you will shut up like a good boy."

  Killer shut himself up, he didn't want to piss Nightmare off more. Nightmare picked up a small metal pole with a design on the end of it. It was glowing orange from heat.

  Killer tried to sit up, but was quickly shoved back down by Nightmares free hand.

  "Don't worry Love. It won't hurt too much." Nightmare said.

  He brought the pole, now recognized by Killer as a branding iron to above Killer's sternum. His eyes opened wide, and Killer grabbed onto Nightmares hand that was holding the iron. Nightmare gave Killer a stern stare and Killer whimpered.

  "Killer let go of me. I don't want to hurt you more then I need to."

  "P-please! What're you gonna do with that Night?"

  "You need to fucking remember who you belong to. Now let me go before I break your arm."

  Killer hesitantly let go and Nightmare smiled evily. He placed his free hand on Killers ribcage, holding him down effectively. He forced the branding iron down onto Killers sternum and he screamed in pain.

  Killer tried to shove the iron off his sternum, to no avail. He was also burning his hands since he was trying to lift up the hot metal and not the cool pole. After a few seconds of this Nightmare used a tentacle to hold Killers arms above his head.

  "Killer, do you know what happens to bone that gets hot?  It dehydrates. Dehydrated bone is much harder to move, and I do not want you screwing up your hands and being useless to me."

  "I-I'm sorry I'm sor-rry. P-p-please stop i-it hurts!"

  Nightmare sighed and pulled the branding iron off Killers sternum. He sobbed with relief and kept thanking Nightmare for removing it. Nightmare picked Killer up and wiped the tears off his face, then kissed him lightly.

  "You know Killer. I think you look much better like this. Now everyone who sees your body will know you belong to me."

  Killer didn't say anything, just trying to stay present with his partners touch and not pass out.

  "Aww, how adorable. You may sleep if you need. You did so good Killer, you deserve a rest."

  Killer quietly thanked Nightmare, and passed out almost immediately. Nightmare smiled and traced the newly scarred moon on Killers chest.

759 words
Please stay safe and have a good day :)

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