Day 7 - Poisoned

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  Nightmare sat down across from his brother at a table. He didn't exactly want to be here, but Dream had gotten out of control. He knew that if he was allowed to fight against his boys any longer than they would get much more injured than they already had been. He took the tea that his brother offered, placing the saucer on the table.

  Nightmare gritted his teeth at the smile that was on his brothers face. He wondered how someone who could hurt his boys like he could was able to have such a sweet smile. He thought Dream was sick, and that was coming from him!

  "So Night, what did you call this meeting for?" Dream said, his sickly-sweet tone matching his smile.

  "I would like to talk to you about a truce." Nightmare said, taking a small sip of his tea.

  "Really?" Dream said excitedly.

  "Not because of you. Well, yes because of you. But I am not here to try and reconnect with you. I am simply here to save my boys from you, you psychopath."

  Dream's smile faltered and turned into a small frown. He wiped his eye sockets, trying to hide his tears away. Though Nightmare could feel his pain and sadness though his attempt at hiding it. He rolled his eyes, not really wanting to deal with his guilt trips today. He tried to ignore him and instead took another, larger, sip of his tea.

  Dream calmed himself down and refocused his attention on his brother. He watched him take yet another sip of his tea and he sighed.

  "Alright. I... understand. Though I do not understand how you could call me a psychopath when your... 'boys' are literal murderers."

  "They are, but I do love them in spite of that." Nightmare said.

  He allowed a small smile to spread over his face. Though he quickly replaced it with his usual resting bitch face. Dream clenched his teeth, his mind wandering to how the Bad Sanses were taking his brother away from him. He did not like them, he thought that they were the reason he couldn't help Nightmare. They were the reason that he couldn't fix him.

  "So, what. You want me to stop fighting you when you are trying to kill people?" Dream asked, sarcasm taking over his voice and attitude.

  Nightmare raised his bone brows, taken aback by the attitude. He sensed his anger and hostility towards his boys, and quickly decided that we was not going to talk about them anymore. He didn't want Dream to blow up and quickly changed the subject from them.

  "It would be beneficial for both of us. We will stop destroying, or we can cut down on the amount of aus, or you could give us a list of aus that we can not destroy. Whatever you need so that we can have some peace between us." Nightmare explained, calming Dream down quite a bit.

  "How many aus could I have protected on a list? How much would you cut back? Why would I ever agree to the other options when the first one is ending all of my issues?" Dream questioned, leaning into their conversation.

  "I can say that we will, but I can not promise that we can stick with it. Their LV is demanding and it does require that they... kill more people than any of us would like." Nightmare said, taking the final sip of his tea.

  "You raise a good point. Though, I am not sure I know how LV works. You could be screwing me out of something and overplaying how bad it is."

  "I would not use something that these men have to suffer through to screw you out of some deal. A deal that I am making to keep them safe."

  Nightmare leaned against the table, his head starting to spin a little bit. Dream's smile became a bit more sinister, though just for a moment. Not enough for Nightmare to notice, especially not in his dizzy state.

  "Are... you alright, brother?" Dream asked.

  "I am not your brother. I told you to stop calling me that. I am fine, just a little bit dizzy."

  "Do you need anything?"

  "I will be alright. It is probably just the affects of your aura."


  "Dream. Do you agree with either of these compromises." Nightmare asked, powering through the meeting in order to just get out of there.

  "I do not think I have to agree to either of them." Dream said, his tone and smile darkening.

  Nightmare looked up, pulling his forehead out of his hand. He watched Dream stand up and walk over to the one door in the room. He started panicking when he saw-and heard-him lock it. Nightmare stood up, becoming even more light headed and having to lean against the table in order to not collapse.

  He looked around, trying to figure out any other way to get out. There were no windows, and the only entry point to the room was the door that was just locked. Dream walked duo to him and cupped his cheek, a sweet smile spreading over his face.

  "Do not worry brother. I will help you. I will make you whole again. I am going to take you away from them and make you back into my sweet little brother." Dream said.

  Nightmare gritted his teeth, trying to take a swim at Dream. Though he was too weak and he ended up just lightly slapping hi face. Dream chuckled and pulled his hand away. He watched as Nightmare fought against the sleeping pills he slipped into his tea. He smirked, amused by the display.

  Nightmare slowly fell down the table, ending up on the floor. He fell over and watched Dreams blurry figure kneel down to him.

  "Do not worry. I will take care of you my Love." Dream said, again cupping his cheek.

  It was the last thing he saw, the last thing he heard before he was forced into unconsciousness.

1009 words
Have a good day/night and I hope you enjoyed :]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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