Chapter 12: Darn that dream

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"I'll not let this happen again to me. Not again! I hope she felt something too so I can taste her at least once. Her voice is so damn sexy. Why is it so difficult to get her out of my head! I want to kiss her till she breathless. Fuck! I have to do something about this. I have to make a move. Why is she so rebellious and hard to forget? She literally acted like she offered herself to me just to reject me and push me away when I was all down to fuck her. This feisty girl!" the raven-haired male expressed his temptations.

"I want to see her again. II want to know her! I want her for myself! I'll find her!" he whispered as he gave in to his temptations.

"Just wait feisty girl." he declared as he crushed cigarette and walked into his bedroom again.


'Don't tell me you don't want me. I already know what you feel.' he said in his deep voice as he pulled her closer.

Juhee looked up at him, her hands firmly placed on his chest, 'You know? then what's stopping you?' she courageously retorted.

He raised his brow at her and smirked, 'I knew you'd give in eventually.' he whispered in her ear.

She grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, 'Take it off!' she begged him.

'Gladly! But after you.' he winked at her and took off her suit jacket instantly.

She was sweating nervously as he gazed down at her body, 'This too!' he growled pointing at her top making her tense.

His hands reached the helm of her top giving her goosebumps, "No!! Don't you dare!" she screamed as she woke up from her nightmare while sweating and breathing heavily.

Her pulse was racing,"Fuck! What was that!" she exclaimed as she patted her flushed face.

She rubbed her eyes and noticed the goosebumps were still there on her skin but she was also sweating like hell.

"What has happened to me! Why do I keep thinking about that asshole again!" she mumbled as she reached for the glass of water.

"What the hell was I even thinking! Dreaming about him?! Ughh! I'm so disgusted by my ownself!" she whisper yelled while fanning her face with hands.

She drank the whole glass in one go and tried to sleep again but all she did was switching sides on bed as she was unable to sleep comfortably.

"Ughhh! Mr. Poker face! This needs to stop! I can't fall asleep now." she mumbled as she got up from the bed.

She checked the time it was 5 am, it is too early but she can't even go back to sleep now.

"Let me bake cookies for Yeji." she decided and headed to the kitchen.

It was around 7 am when she was finally done with them. She turned on the AC and opened all the windows to let the aroma escape before Yeji is up. She didn't want her to know right away as it is a surprise. She quickly cleaned the kitchen and packed the cookies in a box to surprise her in office.

Juhee went to Yeji's room to wake her up but she wasn't there. She could hear the sound of the shower so she assumed she was getting ready.

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