48 | Labor / Delivery ~ Arthur

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Arthur shook you awake, saying your name quietly. You opened your eyes to be met with his brown ones "Hm?" You hummed in response "Did you wet the bed? He asked, amused. You sat up, turning tour lamp on your side of the bed. You pulled the covers back, and realized what was happening "Arthur, my
water broke" You say. He calmly gets up, and starts getting dressed, after making sure you're alright "Let's get you into some clean pants, okay?" He said. You nodded and asked for some sweatpants. He helped you change and you were headed to the hospital, both calm on the outside, and completely freaking out on the inside.
Arthur helped you out of bed and helped you change your pants into some clean ones. You both made your way downstairs and into the kitchen when a contraction came on. It wasn't that bad, just a small cramp it felt like "Our babies are coming" He smiled, kissing you on the cheek "Do you want to call our parents? They can meet us here and then we can go to the hospital. Or would you rather go now?" He asked "Let's go right now," You say "Okay babe," He says and helps you off the stool you were sitting on. He takes you to the car, and you guys decided to go to the hospital and help you in. Another longer, stronger contraction came on. That's about eleven minutes apart. It wasn't that bad, but you knew they were going to get worse. When you got to the hospital Arthur helped you out and grabbed the bag. You both walked into the hospital. Luckily no one recognized you guys since it was in the middle of the night. You went inside and smiled at how excited Arthur was. He was shaking with anticipation. You were shown to a room and filled out the paperwork. When you had a contraction he was right there with you. He puts his arms around you, and one hand on the back of your head "I hate this, putting you through this. I want to take this for you, you shouldn't have to do this" He rambles "It's okay Arth, I can take it" You say, trying to make him feel better. The corners of his mouth rise slightly "You don't have to be okay all the time Anita" He says, kissing your lips "I know, but I'm fine, I promise" You say. As the hours go by, people come and go, and contractions get stronger "Arthur" You say, as the newest contraction comes on. He's sitting behind you, rubbing your shoulders and back like he was taught in the classes you guys went to. You relaxed when it ended "Thank goodness we went to those classes" Silently thanking yourself for signing you up. A few minutes later, another one comes on, and you lean forward, putting your elbows on the bed, and rocking back and forward "Okay, Arth, I can't help it, they coming" You lay back, with the help of Arthur, who goes and gets the doctor. She comes in, and brings a team of nurses "Are you ready Anita?" She asks. You nod, legs put in the stirrups "Okay, on your next contraction, push!" She says. You nod again. Arthur grabs your hand and kisses your temple "Fuck you Arthur" You grit your teeth. The doctor chuckles, as does Arthur "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" You say "It's okay baby" He says, and moves the hair out of your face "Okay" You say, and began pushing. The doctor counts ten seconds out loud, and you let out the breath you were holding when she reached ten. You pushed a few more times until you felt the head pop out "A few more Anita" The doctor says over all the noise. You squeeze Arthur's hand, and whine as you push "Crap" You say, out of breath. You push once more before the pain is relieved. A crying noise that can be heard down the hallway is made, you smile so widely "Hi baby" You say as a baby is placed on your belly "It's a boy!" The doctor says. Arthur cuts the cord. You feel another pain and whine again "I don't wanna do it again Arth" You say. He wiped your sweaty forehead and mumbles a sorry. You nod into his neck, as you feel another pain "Okay, I need to push again" You say. The doctor nods, getting everything ready for the new baby. She put a clean towel over your stomach and sat back down "You know what to do" She says, and gets ready. You push, and the doctor counts to ten. After about six more hug pushes until another baby is set on your belly "A girl!"

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now