The First Task -- Part Two

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I pulled her hand and ran up to the castle. "Come on, Kay!" I called over my shoulder. She started running too, but by then, I had already stopped. Right there stood a tall man with long, white hair and a super long white beard. Basically, he looked awesome.

"Ah, Miss Blackburn. I have been expecting you and Miss Knox."

"Excuse me, but how do you know our names?" I asked, suspiciously. But this man looked so familliar....

"Oh, you don't recognize me? Let me introduce myself: my name is Albus Dumbledore."

Oh! That's right! "Haha!" I laughed, "Is this some sort of fan-organized thing? I bet I'm still asleep. Wow, this is a funny dream!"

"Ah, Miss Blackburn, I assure you this is not a dream!" His electric blue eyes sparkled.

"Call me Zariah and save yourself some breath," I said. "KAYLIEGH MICAH KNOX, HURRY YOUR FAT ASS OVER HERE AND STOP WALKING LIKE A FREAKING PENGUIN!" I screamed to Kay. She seemed to get the message and hurried over.

"Oh-my-Merlin!" She gasped, "Michael Gambon! But you're dead! Or maybe you're Robbie Coltrane...."

"Silly, this is Dumbledore! The real one! My friend's an idiot..." I muttered the last part. She apparently heard it though, and smacked me upside the head. I just pouted, jutting out my bottom lip.

"Well, Zariah and Kayliegh, please follow me!" Dumbles said, walking into the castle that seemed to be Hogwarts... somehow.

We eventually arrived at the gargoyle that guards his office. We didn't seem to need a password since it was summer.

The statue leaped to the side, granting our entrance.

The room looked just as described in the books: little machines and gadgets lay everywhere, and his awesome chair was behind his massive table thingy.

"Please sit!" He gestured to a couple of plush, soft red chairs across from his own. He sat and then we did.

"I assume you have questions!"

"Well, why are we here, for one?" I smacked Kay upside the head: leave it to her to ask rude questions like that.

"Please excuse Little Miss Kayliegh over here," I said, "As she tends to be quite the moron sometimes -- nope, basically all the time!" This time she pouted.

Dumbledore chuckled at our antics. "Well, as you know, 19 years after the Dark Lord is defeated, the Potters and Weasleys have many more offspring. But, after then, a great depression comes over the wizarding world. Many die, including Harry, Ron, Hermione and their children. You can prevent that by stopping particular benefactors from dying.

"You two also seem to not be from the future, but from the past. My guess is that you two were transported into the future. I do not know who your real parents are, but I do know this:

"You are natural animagi, metamorphmagus, elementalist, and parselmouth. I know nothing more. Here is a list of people you must save:

"Sirius Black

Severus Snape

Cedric Diggory

Remus Lupin

Nymphadora Tonks

Fred Weasley

Colin Creevey

Alastor Moody

Vincent Crabbe


Ted Tonks.

"That is your first task for these next few years. Now, you must be sorted early."

He lifted the sorting hat from the shelf behind him and said, "Kayliegh, you first."

The hat was dropped on her head.

"Oh, Miss Kayliegh Micah Knox, what a pleasure it is to meet you," The hat's snarky voice commented, "But where to put you? You're very smart, but the Ravenclaw's actually abide rules. Can't necessarily say the same for you!" I snickered.

"You are very outgoing, but too boisterous for Hufflepuff. You're too nice for Slytherin, but too devious for Gryffindor! I cannot place you! You must choose your own house!"

"I wanna be in whichever house Riah gets into!" She demanded.

The hat was lifted off her head. But before if even TOUCHED my head, it screamed, "Zariah Blackburn, you are most definitely a GRYFFINDOR!"


You'd never believe what weirdness goes on in my head. At the moment, a dog animagus was dancing with me.

I'm kinda retarded...

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