Prompt Twelve - Goodnight

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    A loud yawn broke the comfortable silence between the two pro-heroes, making Shota chuckle lightly and brush away a strand of blonde hair from Hizashi's forehead. 

    They had both been up since 5am, and haven't gone to bed even though it was past midnight. Shota knew that he had work tomorrow, but when it came down to sleep or being in his husband's embrace for a few more seconds, he would take the hug any day and every day. 

    "Go to sleep, Hizashi." Shota whispered softly, kissing a pale cheek as gently as he could. Hizashi let a lazy smile flicker onto his face, not unlike what he looked like drunk. 

    "You're so pretty..." Hizashi beamed and reached up to run his thumb across the scar on Shota's right under eye. "G'night..." He slurred just before closing his eyes and falling fully against his husband. 

    Shota lifted his free hand that wasn't playing with Hizashi's hair and covered his mouth. A bright blush coated his face, and he gazed down at his lover with both surprise and content. He forgot how easily he flushed whenever Hizashi complimented him. Though they weren't teenagers, they both hadn't had the time to fully get used to a steady and caring relationship with all of the hero work and teaching to be done. 

    "Goodnight, Hizashi." Shota whispered, pulling Hizashi's body somehow even closer to him right before he followed his husband into a deep and silent slumber.

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