Prompt Eighteen - "Kiss The Cook Or No Food"

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    Keiji lightly hummed to himself as he strolled back into his apartment building. The rooms weren't on fire, so Koutarou's cooking adventure must've been at least somewhat successful.

    Koutarou had called Keiji earlier for dinner suggestions for that night, and Keiji replied with the usual indecisive "anything is fine".

    The ravenette walked up to the elevator and then glanced at the Apple Watch that rested on his left wrist. He still had time before he was expected, so he changed direction and headed to the stairs. He didn't get to work out much anymore, and the 4 flights of stairs had to be more than the 80 steps that the graph at the bottom said it was because he was panting and taking heavy breaths once he finally made it to their floor.

    Keiji quickly fumbled for the apartment key, knowing that Koutarou always double checked the locks despite his careless nature otherwise. But right when he was about to insert the key into the assigned slot, the door swung open.

    Standing in front of Keiji was Koutarou, dressed in nothing but athletic shorts and an apron that said "Kiss The Cook Or No Food". His black streaks were much more prominent now than when they were back in high school, Koutarou letting his hair grow out to his shoulders. A bright smile was on his face and he had a steaming hot plate of food in his left hand.

    Seeing his boyfriend, Keiji's shoulders dropped and a relaxed grin crept its way onto his lips without his consent.

    "Hi Bokuto-San."

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