Espresso's suicide notes.

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Hey, author here (if your from Twitter then hi I know who you are and why you're here.)
So a thing I forgot to add is the three notes
Essie left behind for Crepe, and Maddie. so here they are full text n everything 👍

   Dear, Strawberry Crepe,
Before I get into everything I just want to tell you that I am sorry. My intention was not to leave you alone, I did this for my own purpose. None of this is your fault so do not blame yourself for the actions I made. You are a good kid and an excellent engineer and researcher.
I will miss you so very much and it was a true pleasure working with somebody with who shares the same common interests as I. As I remember, you did say that I too was the first person who wanted to work with you and who understood you the most, so it's only fair that the people who "kin" each other the most stay together because they better understand what it's like. I will forever love and cherish the times we spend together- Espresso.
Dear, Madeleine.
Where do I even start.. hm I suppose knowing you, your first question would be "Why did you do it?" I will gladly answer that question dear. I did it because I have felt very stressed since I dug myself into this mess. And by this mess I mean my works, the people I know, etc.
It's unbelievably stressful having to keep balance and I could not hold the weights that laid on my shoulders anymore for they grew too big and heavy.
I realized why my mother left me there and took my sister instead and didn't give me a chance, She saw me as a week person and I wanted to prove her wrong. But my task is complete, I showed her that I was strong and that I grew up by myself and taught myself everything I know. But my dear I would of loved to marry you I really would've. Trust me nothing I've done is your fault for I chose to take my life. I love you so very much and I wish you the best for your future journey that I cannot accompany you on.
Love- Espresso.

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