april 24

52 1 0

BTW I'm not a bugging author but this is the real date

Zoey POV

Hey guys wait let me rephrase dorks am a pcd but my friends are dorks like you if your not a dork say stuff behind her back hon show me you got the gut Theo ask me out I'm going out asome I don't say sqeee like those dorks. ☺ I dress in black and Grey great taste but my friends say I don't he come and look at me funny and says never mind and leaves :-(then I text him

Z :why did you leave

T:you look embarrassing and have no taste

Z oh:-(

T:oh nothing

Left texting

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo life is so cruddy.

20 years later...........

Nicki POV

I'm hap (artntie (girl) 10) is my daughter @snow is so helpful

Back 20 years.

Theo POV

Zoey has no taste once so ever grey and black really red is better I'm asking Marcus out I know I like boys I'm one to I'm I'm I'm I'm bio now signing out

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