Chapter 18

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Tania stopped in front of a quaint little house on top of a hill, where a small barn full of sheep stood next to it. The animals were peacefully grazing the lush green grass that the countryside bountifully provided them, with an elderly woman carefully watching over them.

"Tia!" Her niece called out to her as she got out of the car, waving and smiling joyfully.

The woman's face instantly lit up, abandoning her flock to rush towards her relative, eager to greet her and her guests. Lee politely made his way to Tania's side while Carter stayed on the other side of the vehicle, separated from them with his arms crossed. Han mimicked Lee, coming up to shake Tania's aunt's hand while Trish trailed behind him, trying to put her hostility towards him aside and also putting out her hand to their Cuban host.

After exchanging a few words in Spanish with her sobrina, Tania's tia gestured at everybody to follow her inside her home so they could get settled and rest after their long trip.

Lee happily obliged, babbling to her the little Spanish her knew, Han walked with a quickened step, eager to get everything done, Trish took in the beautiful nature around them and Carter continued to grumble behind.

The house had only one big room, but it was separated with curtains and minimal furniture, which made sense as one would not need too much out of the city.

Once everyone made it inside, Tania and her aunt went behind the group and whispered in each other's ears.

Carter busied himself by drawing up his own masterplan for their upcoming mission, choosing Han as his poor victim to which he'd talk all of the elaborate details to. On her side, Trish placed her luggage in the corner of the main room and laid down on her biggest bag, slowly letting herself be taken away by her thoughts.

Curious to know what Tania was whispering about to her aunt, Lee sneaked up to them, making the pair immediately stop their conversation.

"Sorry to bother you," he meekly approached them, "I just wanted to know if your aunt to really help us like you said."

"You bet I can," Tania's tia suddenly spoke perfectly in English.

Before Lee could say anything, a large weight hit the back of his head, making him black out.

( 搂 )

Hands tied, mouth taped, legs bound and eyes covered; her ears were her only unobstructed senses available to her. Trish sat tied down to a chair in the middle of a dark room, with only a weak light coming from above her head, where a lightbulb dangled eerily. Panicked, she squirmed in her seat, struggling against the bonds that held her down.

"Miss O' Day," Carl Raines suddenly emerged from the shadows, smiling deviously like the super villain they thought he'd be, "I believe we've never had the chance to properly introduce ourselves."

He approached his victim, reaching out to her even though she recoiled away with defiance. With one swift move, he ripped off the tape that covered Trish's mouth, making her yelp in pain and surprise.

"There there, isn't this better?" Carl slightly crouched to her eye level. "I have a nicer view of your pretty little face."

Trish scowled at him. "What the hell did you do with the others you sick-"

"Easy, now," he got back up to tower over her, asserting his dominance. "Your little companions are alive and well, so don't make me have to use unnecessary force. An attitude like yours could get you in deep trouble."

"Are you threatening me?"

"I don't need to, my presence should be threatening enough."

"What do you want from me?"

This made Carl's smile grow even wider. "Depends on what you can offer. You see, you father and I have been business partners for a while now, but things seem to be slowing down lately on his part. His little catfight with the Triad cost us a lot."

Trish was tempted to spit at him for his mere mention of her father. "You know damn well what happened, I can't offer you shit."

"Oh, but you can! Isaak's influence has weakened because of his stupid decisions so I have to take over now, that's just how it goes."

"Keep my dad's name out of your mouth! You're too late anyways, we've already told the cops. The FBI's on their way here as we speak."

"Right, that's cute. I suppose you actually thought we would let you go into our territory so easily?"

"Tania's a secret agent, she's already called backup."

"Hmm yeah, about that..." Carl amusingly raised his brows as he turned around towards the darkness behind him.

In walked Tania, her hands held together behind her back and her head hanging a little lower than usual. "Sorry, kid. It's nothing personal, just business."

"Wha-What the hell?!" Trish angrily said, feeling her chest tighten with betrayal.

"I couldn't let you guys bother Mr. Raine without any concrete evidence," she told Trish, avoiding her gaze. "It's best to let law enforcement deal with everything going on in Oakland."

"They're gonna send my dad to jail! You lied to us! You lied to me!"

"I knew Carter and Lee would stop at nothing to finish their made-up case, I had to keep an eye on them."

"It's not made up! Inspector Lee told me that the Chinese government had sent him to investigate-"

Tania held her hand up, cutting her off. "Lee was already in the States two months prior this whole case. We have footage of him in Las Vegas playing at casinos before he went to LA, staying at some cheap motel. He lied, sweetie."

"No..." Trish breathed. "That doesn't make any sense! He was at the Lux Plaza with Agent Carter, they were already on the case..."

"Unless this case was to hangout as my guests in the suite I was staying," Carl added, "I don't think there was much investigating being done."

"But... Tania, you heard him! He wants to take my dad down!"

The businessman shook his head, making tsk-tsk sounds. "Now, now, there's no need to twist my words. I believe I stated a takeover, or turn legit, as your people would say."

"My people?!"

"Indeed, the same ones that tricked me into thinking our business venture was completely legal with no foul play involved."

"You're the one smuggling military weapons into-"

"Last I checked, having a thriving cigar business is nothing to go to jail over."

"Don't listen to him, Tania!" Trish tried to plead to the secret agent. "He's not the good guy he claims to be."

"Careful, now. Slander is also a serious crime, you know."

"You're never gonna get away with this. I'll take you down myself if I have to."

"I know this may be hard on you right now, Miss O' Day. Your father puts you through so much, it's a miracle you're still so loyal to him."

"Just tell me what you want from me already!"

"Well, there is one thing you could do for me... That is, if you're truly willing to do whatever it takes for your dear father..."

"Only if you promise to leave him alone."

"Ah, a deal? Business truly runs in the family, I see."

"Promise me!"

"Alright, alright. You have my word."


"Now, you should get some rest, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and I need you to be in the best of shape."


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