Chapter 3: Aching

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Maybe it was strange for her to watch her friends from afar. To wish she was there to give them a listening ear, or a great big hug; it was sorely needed.

Her favorite thing just happened to be the rarest moments. When Anne's friends would get distracted. When Marcy would get absorbed into Vagabonia Chronicles like old times. When Sasha would yowl at the cheerleaders, getting so competitive that she even scared the coaches. When Ivy, Sprig and even Maddie would get so caught up in a random adventure they'd fall down laughing, completely forgetting about the crippling sadness that hung over them.

But it never lasted. Eventually they would think of all that was lost and their light would die, hiding under that biblical bushel.


Maddie loved to whip up some sort of magical potion with her siblings. Sure, all they did was mess it up and cause her to start over repeatedly but they were her siblings, and she had to deal with them.

It was different from her short time with Marcy, her siblings weren't really interested in magic, they were a little traumatized by the first... Mishap.

And they never color in the lines. The thought made Maddie shiver violently and let out a little laugh.

Inside joke.

It made her long for th trio to return, she enjoyed it when there was a fellow magic lover to work with.

She loved it when her sisters would be stuck with Grime while learning how to properly stab or with her dad making food for the rebellion.

She loved it when they would try to guess what adventure the Plantar's would get stuck on next.

All of those where activities they did when she was peacefully alone.


Sprig didn't want to leave Wartwood. He could see Anne every day when he was here, he could chat with his older sister when he really needed it. Out there, in the new continent, who knows what waited for them. Not Anne, that's for sure.

He sat next to the large base she stood on, studying the small cracks littering the ground by his feet. "Hey Anne"? Sprig asked. The only thing that answered him was the unnatural silence that seemed to follow him everywhere; it seemed like everything was holding its breath, waiting.

Stealing another breath he continues. "Me, Ivy, and Maddie were going to go to the new continent." He stops before correcting himself, "We are going to go to the new continent. But I don't want to leave you, ya know? That's not what family's supposed to do. Adventures are our thing. It just-it won't be the same without you." He turns to face Anne, the sun's rays illuminating her face with a lively glow he'll never get to see again. Sprig settles on staring towards the east, watching the sun climbing its way above the horizon. It was the view Anne got from her stone form. The fact that he could see the looming statue from his position made him feel like instead of her towering over him she was sitting next to him. Just like old times.

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