He wasnt lying

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Alexx stayed in bed for the rest of the day. And I went around the house doing chores or just listening to music. Around 1:00 I ordered a pizza and made my way upstairs to see if he wanted anything. I walked and peaked in. Alexx was fast asleep on the bed, like he's been all day. I was afraid he was welcoming death.

Don't be ridiculous my wolf form chastised. He had to wake up now or he would starve in his sleep. I walked over quietly and gently shook him. His orange eyes opened almost immediently. He looked dazed at first than he looked at me and smiled.

"H-how long was I asleep?" He asked me. He tried to sit up but I placed a hand on his chest and slowly pushed him down.

"Six hours. You need to rest, later we are going shopping, than your coming with me to band rehearsal than to hang out with my crew." I said smiling. He frowned deeply.

"I'll do everything even shopping" he paused closing his eyes. "But I don't want to hang out with your crew" he mumbled. I sighed, this thing against humans has got to stop.

"you need friends. So get up take a shower and I'll meet you in my car. If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to pick up jamie from her friends house" I said.

"Whatever" he muttered, but I swear I saw the tiniest form of a smile cross his lips. I ran outside, it had finally stopped raining and in the rains place was a gigantic sickening rainbow. I made a face as I stepped inside the car.

*one hour later*
We pulled into Burlington. We weren't really going to shop that much, I just needed to pick out some t-shirts for our band. We walked inside store. Everywhere people were laughing and smiling and shopping for clothes. We walked up the stairs into the department center.

"Do you want anything" I asked Alexx. Who just stood there looking uncomfortable. People walking by stared, some whispered. Even though I looked odd, I knew they were Talking about Alexx. I wondered if all these people staring at him made him feel bad. I made a mental note to ask him about that later.

"I think I'll wait by the car" he said. Spinning on his heel and walking down the stairs and out of the door. Some of the girls stared at me.

"What?!" I hissed and they instantly turned around. That's when I smelled something. A familiar lingering scent , it sent shivers down my spine. It was Alexx brother. He was walking up the stairs looking around his eyes wild. I quickly grabbed four medium size t shirts and jumped off the railings. I was free falling and I willed myself not to scream. Luckily I landed on a queen size bed. I payed for the shirt and quickly ran to the car. Alexx was leaning against the car his eyelids heavy. I could tell he was really tired he wouldn't be able to fight his brother if he attacked. I opened the car door and pushed Alexx inside.

"What the hell!" He shouted as i speeded out of the parking lot causing him to hit his head on the window. I ignored him and accelerated speed. I only slowed down when we reached Jonas's house. Claire and Jonas were balancing on two big rocks with hands on each other's shoulders trying to see who can push each other off first. They saw me come out of the car. Jonas lost intrest in the match and Claire shoved him off as hard as she could. He fell backwards.

"Oh shit!" I yelled running forwards. I was too late, he fell into a tree. Claire burst out laughing

"You owe me 30 dollars!!" She shouted. Jonas sat up rubbing his head.

"Your crazy" he said getting up. I gave him a small peck on the cheek and hugged him. His eyes lingered behind me and his grin dropped.

"Who's that?" He asked gesturing to Alexx.

"That's Alexx." Claire said before I could. "Hi Alexx" she said smiling and waving a little. He looked away, but waved nevertheless.

"Not trying to be rude or anything, but what is he doing here?" Jonas asked running his fingers through his black hair.

"Oh.. I invited him. Sorry I forgot to ask. Can he stay?" It wasn't like I was taking no for an answer anyways.

"You sure he won't.. Steal anything?" He asked glancing over at Alexx. His face was slightly red as he glared at him. His ears were really red. Awwww.. how cute.. he's embarresed. Claire gave him a hard slap on the arm.

"Ok ok! Jeez he can stay" Jonas said making his way inside. Claire followed and I hung back until Alexx was walking next to me.

"I don't like this" he mumbled his face still red.

"You can't stay out here by yourself! I'll explain later" I whispered.

A/N this chapter really sucked but I just wanted to get this out of the way. I'll update again today!

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