Under attack

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*after rehearsals*
We all talked and laughed together in the kitchen, well everyone except Alexx. He hasn't said anything for the past two hours, and he kept avoiding eye contact with me.

"Alexx?" Claire asked her voice unsure. Jonas didn't seem to hear their conversation but I did. "Are you okay.. you seem tense and tired" she asked concern etched on her face. I glanced at Alexx from the corner of my eyes. His head was in his palms, and indeed he did look tired. His posture was sagging, and there was a small bruise forming on his forhead.

"I'm fine." He paused. "Thanks for asking". Claire nodded and shot me a warning glance.

Watch him she mouthed. I nodded and pretended to listen to Jonas. There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I shouted just wanting an excuse to get away from Jonas's talking. I opened the door. There was a boy outside. I stared at him, he had the same fixating eyes as mine, only his seemed to be swirling. He had dirt covering his pale face and his blond hair was pulled into a mess. Next to him was my sister. I was so surprised to see what she was wearing. She was wearing a choker necklace, and a black skimpy dress higher than her knees. She was wearing mascara that was now running down her cheeks as if she had been crying. The boy looked as if he had been crying too. My sister.. My sweet sweet sister was dressed as a goth! I eyed the weeping boy suspiciously.

"Help us... please" he begged. That's when I noticed what my sister was holding a knife. It was covered in blood. "Please they are coming. They're almost here. There looking for you! There looking for us! There looking for your sister!" He screamed tears running down his face. I just stood there staring at them. That's when I head it. It was the howl of a wold in the distance. I grabbed both of their hands and yanked them inside. I quickly locked all the doors and ran into the kitchen the children hot on my heels.

"Everyone to the attic now!" I shouted. Jonas and Claire shot me weird looks, but Alexx completely understood.

"Guys lets go." He said springing up. Once again I could feel fear and worry radiating off of him. It was eating me away. He was in no condition to fight which means if they found us I would have to be the one to defend us. They didn't move an inch.

"We're under attack get your asses up and follow us!" The boy screamed after they didn't move. They smirked at eachother believing this was some sort of game, and followed us up the many flights of stairs. We finally reached the very top. I closed the attic door and stacked piles of useless junk on it. The room was dark but I knew I was sitting between Alexx and my little sister.

"Anyone care to explain?" Claire asked nonchalontly.

"Ok. Peek out that window. But don't open it fully" the boy said. Claire shrugged and looked out.

"Holy fuck!" She screamed staggering back and landing on her butt.

"There's a bunch of wolves circling the gate trying to get in!" She screamed.

"We know" Alexx my sister and I said at the same time.

"Jamie.. Care to explain all of this? Mainly how you got here and who the hell this boy is?" Alexx asked softly.

"I don't really care to explain... but if you really want to know" she sighed.

"Yesterday.. I followed you guys to the ceremony of wolves. I just wanted to see where she goes at midnight sometimes. When I got there I wandered off and got lost. I stumbled through the woods for hours on end. I finally decided to welcome death and just cry myself to sleep, hoping I wouldn't wake up. That's when I met Rayne. He asked me why I was crying. I didn't want to talk to him, because you taught me not to talk to strangers. But he showed me something... It was amazing.. Unimaginable. Unexplainable. I trusted him and he led me home. He's a werewolf just like you. When you left me he came and warned me that his pact was coming to kill our family. He told me to grab a knife and follow him. I did. On the way we saw a big wolf. He hurt Rayne. And I had to use the silver knife to kill him. And now we are here" she said flopping down and taking a big breath. I stared into the darkness my mouth gaping.

"So" Alexx's deep voice cut through the silence. "Lemme get this straight. Rayne you come from my brothers pact?" He asked exasperated.

"Yes I'm the Alphas son" he said. I could hear pride in his voice. Why would he take pride in being in a pact that attacks people for no reason? I have no idea.

"What's the Alpahs name?" He asked warily, his voice almost whining.

"My fathers name is Uriah. And I despise him" he said his voice hard and menacing. I broke into a cold sweat.

"Kid. Uriah's my brother. I am your uncle." I watched as Raynes face contorted in the darkness.

"You killed gradmother" he said his voice as cold as ice.

"Don't believe eveyrhing you hear Rayne. Alexx didn't do that it was an accident" my sister said. She was smart for a seven year old, she had been ease dropping. I glared at her and she smiled sheepishly.

"This is nuts! Yet intruiging!" Claire fist pumped. Totally like Claire not afraid of dying and shit.

"I wish we weren't in the dark. I hate the dark" Rayne whispered hugging his knees to his chest. I felt my sister cautiously wrap an arm around around him.

"Not much longer" she lied. The truth was they were advancing. And we were under attack. Jonas was oddly silent through all of this. He leaned against the wall, as if it was the only thing keeping him from falling over. I frowned as I could hear there howls getting louder.

"Rayne how old are you?" I asked him putting a hand on his back.

"Eight" he said trying to make himself look taller.

"Alright then. Can you fight" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded hesitantly.

"Ok good. I need you to be brave. I need you to be strong. There's not much time left. Protect my sister okay? Guard the attic and make sure none of them get in here okay? I'm trusting you. Now stand in front of the door and attack whoever. They are advancing. Everyone brace yourself and be prepared to fight got it?"

"Got it!" They all yelled back. Claire fist pumped the air. I smiled as I ran out of the attic. They started this war, and I'm finishing it.

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