9 - We are family

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Warm droplets hold, the cloth of the shirt, to my skin. A warm breeze passes over my neck from her soft breaths, a light weight pressing me down into the sofa as her body fits perfectly in my arms. Silent, except from the small inhales and exhales, as she sleeps on my chest.

It hurt seeing her breakdown in the car as we drove away from the rink. I wanted to tell her that everything in that article was lies, that she was perfect and strong and brave. I couldn't though, I was angry. Angry at her parents for ever laying a hand on her, angry at the writer for being malicious in his article, and most of all angry at Callum for betraying Brody's trust and the teams.

The whole team was angry at him, yes some may have shown sympathy for him, but none the less they were furious at the same time. When you join the team you sign the contract, the contract written by the team, containing rules made by the team. Anyone who breaks those rules, breaks the teams trust in them and loses all respect they have earn't.

Callum wasn't begging for forgiveness as we left, he was being selfish, begging to keep his status on the team. Now, he has no respect, no trust, and very little friends, his career is going to be a constant uphill battle if he stays with lightning now.

I read the article at the same time as Brody, not taking the time to look into the details like her. All I wanted was to take her away and keep he safe from the demons surrounding her in that moment. I watched as she looked through the article, as she saw the pictures of her broken body, as she realised Callum helped them do this. I watched as she taught a lesson to the young man she called a brother. All I did was watch.

I didn't know how to speak, how to feel, what to say. What can I say? Her secrets have been revealed to the world in the worst way, some secrets I'm sure she has never spoken of out loud.

Once we arrived home she was too weak to even walk to the door, let alone up the stairs. She let me pick her up, the bags forgotten in the car, as I held her to my chest with each step I took. When we got to the flat I sat on the sofa, her body clutching to mine as we lay there in silence, soon falling into a deep sleep to the sound of my heart underneath her head.

My eyes start to droop as I think over the events of the day. Waking up in a new home, walking out to see the angel from my dreams, practise, changing for video, the comfortable silence as we walked together, and then everything went into overload.

The article swims through my mind as my breath evens out. She was abused as a child, she has seen so much death, she has been hurt by so many, including herself. My mind drifts as it connects our trauma together.

She kept so many secrets, afraid of what her past could make her present. Her future is unknown, how will the world react to the article? Will it be good or bad? The piece on her past did nothing but show the trauma and the betrayal in her life. She wished for it to be different. Just like I wish for my secrets to be revealed differently. Not publicly, privately. In the comfort of friends, and only friends.

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