4 - Revival

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(3rd PoV)

Laff knocked on the door of Sock's house. Socks answered fairly quickly, for he had been in the main room when Laff had arrived.

"Oh, hey Laff," Socks said, "Find anything?"

"Yes, actually," Laff said, "The relic you found is called the Moon of Life and Death.

"And it has the power to revive people."

Socks stood there in obvious surprise. "That's possible?"

"Yes, but Socks-"

"We could revive Oof and Blaza!"

"First of all, it's a one-time use."

"Oh. Well, we can revive one of them, at least!"

"Socks, think this through for a second-"

"What are we waiting for, let's go!"

Socks darted past Laff before Laff could finish.

Laff sighed.

You really expected him to listen to you?

Alright, I didn't ask for your opinion.

Just saying.

Laff felt like he needed to punch something (which was a surprise for him, he's usually pretty calm), but took a deep breath in and refrained from doing so.

This isn't going to end well for you guys.

Oh, shut up, would you?



Socks burst into Meme's house. Meme, who was chatting with Nadwe, turned toward the door in surprise at Sock's sudden entrance.

"Socks? Is something wrong?" Meme asked. Nadwe curiously looked at Socks.

"Just the opposite," Socks said. He pulled the moon crystal from his pocket, showing it to Meme. "This thing has the power to revive people!"

"What?!" Meme exclaimed, now excited.

"That's possible?" Nadwe questioned.

"Yes, now come on!" Socks said, darting out the door.

"How does this even work?" Meme called to Socks as he chased him from his house.

"I have no idea, but we'll figure it out!" Socks replied.


Socks, Meme, and Nadwe, now as well as Woolfster, stood in front of Blaza's grave. Socks knew that Woolfster knew a bit about magic and such, so he had asked him to join them on the way.

Woolf flicked one of his wolf ears. "So how are we gonna do this?"

"I thought you would know," Socks said.

"Why didn't you ask Laff?" Woolf asked.

"I couldn't find him."

Laff had gone somewhere after Socks had run off, and he couldn't find him afterwards. He just assumed Laff was off mining or something.

"Well... I can try to figure it out," Woolf shrugged, taking the moon crystal from Sock's hand. He was observing it closely when, suddenly, the crystal began to glow.

In his surprise, Woolf dropped the crystal. But it seemed to levitate back upwards, a few feet above the grave. The glow intensified, until it was almost blinding. The glow took the form of a humanoid shape with angel-like wings.

And as it came into focus, someone stood there.

Blaza looked nearly the same as he did before his death, but his eyes were a bright, glowing white. Pure white feathered wings expanded on either side of him, and a long, whiplike tail with a sharp, blue tip. The bullet hole that brought his demise was still there, glowing the same white as his eyes.

He blinked a few times, looking around at his surroundings in confusion.

How did I... he thought to himself.

Blaza attempted to take a step forward, but didn't take into account the weight of his wings (which he also didn't realize he had). He yelped as he crashed to the ground.

"Ow," Blaza muttered, rubbing his nose. He looked up, noticing Socks, Nadwe, Meme, and Woolfster above him.

Embarrassed, he quickly got up, only to stumble backwards again.

"Little help, please?" Blaza asked, trying to balance himself out.

Socks, getting out of the initial shock, rushed forward. He suddenly wrapped his arms around Blaza. Blaza, surprised by the embrace, blushed slightly (guess he hasn't gotten over his little crush... haha...)

"I'm glad your back," Socks said.

"Uhh... y-yeah, thanks," Blaza stuttered.



645 words

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