2nd Idea

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Hey guys, Omnigoji here with my second idea, before we start I just wanna say that the rest of my ideas are not going to be as long as my first idea because the rest of these ideas I didn't think about it as long as I have for the first idea. But anyways without further ado, let's jump right into it!

Title: senran kagura:time for a little madness.

General backstory summary: in this world, there are shinobi, actual bona-fide shinobis who fight monsters like the yoma and also get hired as bodyguards or just any kind of job. And where better to learn all these shinobi skills, but from high school. Also for some reason they're all woman.

But that changed when one of gessen's shinobi instructors came to Singapore. First off, gessen is one of several shinobi schools that train student shinobi. They also belong the good ninja faction which means that most of them hate evil ninjas. Second, the reason why this gessen instructor came from Japan to Singapore is because she has caught wind of ningures causing trouble in Singapore.

Ningures are basically people who tried to be student shinobi but failed the entrance exam, so now they take what little they learned to be as petty as they possibly can. Things like threatening convenience stores to give them free stuff,causing trouble in restaurants etc. And the reason why these ningures came to Singapore is because they saw it as easy prey. Singapore doesn't have any knowledge about shinobi, so the ningure would basically be able to get whatever they wanted using their shinobi superiority.

So gessen's instructor went there personally not only to stop the ningures from causing trouble to Singapore's public, but also to hide the existence of shinobi to Singapore.

Once she landed on Singapore, she wasted no time and immediately started tracking down these ningures to beat their ass and drag them back to Japan. However, when she finally found some of the ningures, she something very unexpected.

On the floor layed three ningures with bloody faces laying defeated on the ground. And the culprit stood above them with his blood-covered clenched fist. The culprit was a young boy who seemed no older than 13 years old.

The instructor was impressed and surprised. Even if they weren't good enough to be shinobi, ningures still have some skills then normal citizens can't keep up with. Yet this young boy seemed to be able to defeat three of them all on his own. The instructor went up to the boy and asked him if he was the one who defeated the ningures. The young boy turned towards the instructor, rage quite evident on his face. He asked the instructor if she was the boss of those people. She replied that she was not, she was actually the person who wanted to take them into custody. Hearing this the boy relaxed and apologised for showing hostility. The instructor assured him that it was fine,and asked him to explain what happened.

The boy explained that he and his friends were just on their way home when suddenly the ningures showed up out of nowhere and demanded that they hand over their money. He and his friends obviously didn't want to so they said no and tried to leave as fast as possible. But the ningures started getting violent and started to beat up his friends, seeing this, the boy snapped and started to fight back. Allowing his friends to quickly run to safety.

This confirmed the fact that this boy did defeat the ningures all on hie own. Seeing this boy's talent, the gessen instructor offered him a place at gessen, to learn how to be a shinobi. After discussing with his parents and also allowing his parents to come with him to Japan. The boy agreed. The boy also told the instructor that his name was Xavier.

After reaching Japan and enrolling in gessen Middle school, Xavier was excited. Xaviera always held a fascination towards martial arts. It's why he took up taekwondo. Suffice to say, Xaviera was eager to learn the shinobi way and also make new friends along the way. Unfortunately, the majority of gessen did not have the same intentions.

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