The Halloween Dance Approaches

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A week went by. The Halloween dance was getting closer and pretty much everyone had a date... except for Victor. He was far too scared to ask the one girl he wanted to go with, Elsa. He knew he had written to Shamus asking for advice, but he didn't get a response yet and now he felt like he couldn't wait any longer; he had to ask Elsa sometime soon or else he'll be too late.

At school, Victor sat at his desk with his head buried in his notebook; it had a long list of possible scenarios on how he could ask Elsa to the dance.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked.

Victor looked up and saw Toshiaki standing at his desk with a raised eyebrow.

"May I help you?" Victor asked.

"...You want to ask Elsa to the dance." Toshiaki whispered. "But you don't have to do any of these pointless little schemes to do it."

"Well... what would you do? How did you ask Mae-Lee to be your date?"

"...I just asked her."

"That's it?"

"Yes. It's as simple as that. Think it over; it is worth a try. And I suggest you do it soon; it's now or never."

He went straight to his seat.

"Hello, Elsa." The Weird Girl, Mindy, said to Elsa just before they entered the classroom.

"Uh, hi Mindy." Elsa said uneasily.

"...You want Victor to ask you to the dance, don't you?" Mindy asked.

"H-h-h-how do you know that?" Elsa nervously inquired.

"Edgar told me... before he asked me to be his date."


Mindy blushed and smiled nervously; Elsa gently nudged her in the ribs and smirked at her. Then Mindy's blush faded and she shook her head; she was getting off track.

"This isn't about me." She said before turning back to her friend. "This is about you and Victor."

"Well... so what? It's no big deal, really." Elsa retorted embarrassedly, trying to sound nonchalant.

"It is a big deal. You like him, don't you? AND you want him to ask you to the dance, right?"

"Well, yeah but—"

"But nothing. And if he doesn't ask you, then you should ask him."

"No! I can't do that! What if he says no? What if he laughs at me? What if he never wants to talk to me again?!"

"He won't."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because he's your friend. I've seen the way you two look at each other. You're closer than any other two people I've ever known."

"Girls? Get your hindquarters in here; it's time for class." The teacher said before entering the classroom.

"The dance is in TWO DAYS, Elsa. It's now or never." Mindy said before she and Elsa entered the classroom and took their seats.

After class, Victor stood at his locker and thought about Toshiaki had said to him... and he decided to take his advice and give it a try.

'Come on, Victor.' He thought. 'You have to do it now or you'll never get another chance. This is no time to be a wimp.'

He looked up and saw Elsa walking down the hall towards him. He froze.

'Oh man, there she is...' He thought.

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