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The silver lantern was pierced on the black mantel with sparkly holes which gleamed like crystal jellyfish in the ocean. The light from the lantern shimmered against the white grass stage. A howling of trees filled the cold night air.

Looking fabulously rich from the rest of them, was a small cabin. It glows with a flaming flare and a hunk figure is seated on the chair. Under the yellow light from the kerosene lamp—the pen was warm in his hand, held between his fingers, and scraped against the rough white sheet.

The man's muddy eyes glowed sharply against the tiny fire. Mouth ajar and hands moving constantly without disruption. With anything else speaking but his mind. His face set in calmness.

But the silence didn't last long as the scuttling of big bare feet thumped against the snow and a taller figure with a body of a bear appeared at the door. Giggling and huffing.

"Jimin Hyung!" The sudden voice startled Jimin and he almost jumped off his chair. He turned to the younger and smiled awkwardly, looking like a grotesque puppet with a forced slit in its mouth.

"Hey," That didn't sound welcoming at all.

Taehyung, Jimin's younger brother, noticed the painful grin on the man's face. Something lay beneath his smile—something mysterious and enciphered but Taehyung couldn't tell what it was. He thought it was weird and creepy. He narrowed his eyes and stared suspiciously at the latter. Eyebrows in an askew.

"Hey? What do you mean by hey?" Taehyung asked exaggeratedly. His forehead wrinkled in confusion. Jimin never says ‘Hey’ or anything welcoming whenever they visit his hang-out place (the cabin). It would always be ‘Get Out,’ ‘What are you doing here?’ and ‘Don't ever think of coming in.’

And for the first time, he didn't get mad at him coming in and it seemed like he didn't mind at all. Perhaps, he didn't see the boy's feet resting casually on the parquet floor—or maybe he does but didn't care at the moment. Taehyung felt wary and made him question his inner wolf on what on earth this man had eaten that all of a sudden he acts nice. He looks like a fool with that sheepish grin on his monster face. Taehyung notion.

"What?" Jimin played doubt.

Taehyung tutted. Suddenly, his eyes caught something behind Jimin. A notebook.

"What is that? What are you writing?" He curiously asked and walked towards it. Jimin's eyes widened and he swiftly closed the book, pinning it under his palms.

An astonished gasp escaped his mouth as realization hit him like a ton of bricks. "Is that a diary?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"What?! Of course not!" Jimin denied, vehemently.

He picked up the notebook and hid it in his drawer. He pretends to stifle a laugh. "Pfft! Diary? Who still writes a diary these days? And that is so corny!" He snickered. His face contorted bitterly and he barely swallowed with the pain of fake laughter.

When Taehyung finally deduces that he can't cajole the man, to tell the truth—he decided to leave it. "Fine~~," he drawled on the tip of his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"By the way, Jungkook is challenging you to a wolf race. If who's the first one to catch the prey, he'll have all the meat for a month," Taehyung chirped, the ecstasy glimmered in his dark coal eyes.

A wolf race is something they do every week. Obviously, to test who's the fastest in the pack and the competition whirled on someone else but Jimin being the winner. The price would likely be meat, losers do nasty stuff, or the winner can boss the losers around for a whole week.

"Nah, you can have the meat all you want, I don't care. I have something more important to do." The younger stared at him incredulously. Jimin never says no to challenges and the fact that he loves meat more than he loves the fireflies makes Taehyung worry about him. Something is not right with the wolfman. And Taehyung is eager to know what might be the reason behind his uncanny acts.

"Like what?"

"Catching fireflies," the man said simply for once and walked out of the cabin with the widest smile embedded on his plump lips which spark brightly with the stars on the ground, with the fond thoughts of the beautiful human with pearl skin and silky obsidian hair.


In the open window, Yoongi gazed at the black waves of fog exquisitely floating in space and watched the moon creep behind the dark curtain of clouds. The naughty stars winked at him with their archy glint of an untold secret in a mystifying night.

He was sitting on the bottom rail, reclining against the window frame. In his left hand held precariously, was a book; on the open page lay neatly a picture of the people he called his ‘friends’.

The chilly wind skims softly against his white porcelain skin. Yoongi has nothing in his mind but the faces of the people he used to be around. He couldn't stare at the rabbit as it only reminds him of the loneliness looming inside him. The air was cold, colder than his heart, and it was freezing his mind with thoughts of yesterday.

He wonders what they might be doing right now. Are they okay without him? Are they doing great? Are they not lonely like he does? Probably not. They are happy except for him. They have probably forgotten about him already although they had made a promise of keeping his name in the spotlight—that spotlight had probably died away.

Yoongi respired deeply and held the picture between his thumb and index finger. He smiled fretfully and whispered under the steam air, "I miss you, guys. I hope you're okay."

His hand fell weakly on his lap like a tired moth and his eyes caught the shining yellow light staring intently at him from the empty void. It was there again... The fireflies. However, their tiny light doesn't flicker. They were steady and seemed like they had been watching him silently for the whole time, on the exact spot where Yoongi had seen them the first night they appeared. Fireflies are supposed to be flying from one place to another and their magical light blinks occasionally—but this mysterious yellow light seems immovable and like it has a mind on its own.

Yoongi is slowly thinking they're not fireflies—they've never been once fireflies but eyes of a monster that hides in the deep darkness. However, there comes a tingle of silliness in the ridiculous idea he had in mind.

Monsters are not real.

...Are they?

He was so absorbed in his thought that he didn't hear the voice of his mother calling for dinner. It was only a faded voice in the back of his head, so faint that it was barely there.

The loud clunk of the door breaks through the thin wall of his thoughts and reality shifts back into focus.

"Yoongi, I've been calling you a thousand times! Are you deaf?" His mother's angry voice said behind him. Yoongi turned in her direction and looked at her bovinely as if he wasn't there at all, and his soul flying somewhere between space and earth.


Mrs. Min sighed in disappointment. "I said, dinner is ready," she repeated, this time, her voice was tender than they ever were.

"Oh, I'm not hungry."

Mrs. Min's lips curled in disdain. "Are you sure?" she asked, hoping that the answer changes.


She sighed again. "But your father cooked dinner for you. He made your favorite lasagna—"

Yoongi immediately looked up after hearing it. "Dad made the dinner?" He asked excitedly, with a gleam of triumph. And just like that, his face lit up with a flick of fingers like a light bulb.

"Yes, so come now before the food gets cold."

He jumped onto his feet and closed the window. Yoongi smiled, this time they were real.

How are you guys? Please be honest about your feelings for once.

(I will post another chapter tomorrow.)

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