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He was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding him in a tightening grip. There was a huge claw blootering inside him and it took him a minute to realize it was his heart; desperate to break through.

There was blood. So much blood-all over the place and they were leaking like ceaseless tears in his eyes. The poor man sprawled on the floor, moaning in tremendous pain. Which was now several inches away from the rest of it. Cold, limp, swelling, and covered with dirt, were his severed arms. His leg was buried useless on the ground with the tiny string of flesh keeping it together, a broken branch fighting to stay on its throne. His abscise limbs hanging loosely and his clothes sopping with draining life that was once flowing in his veins, howbeit they're just now wasted on the thirsty mouth of the ground.

He was breathing very shallow, struggling for his life but Yoongi knew he wouldn't last for an hour. Neither him nor the guy.

Fear shimmers throughout his body. It's hard to breathe. In the back of his head, Yoongi thought he heard a tiny voice speaking to him; 'Flee! Flee now while you still have the chance. Flee while your blood is still flowing.' Yoongi tried to run but his feet wouldn't allow him so. He was nailed to the ground, like a pair of sharp-clawed hands were pulling him down, as to prevent him from escaping.

Yoongi cried, knowing there is nothing he can do at the moment but stared at the man's red eyes like flaming coal. Begging for someone to help. The voices are gone as Yoongi tries to call on them-they're as silent as the wintry breeze scared as he was.

The crazy man brandishes the machete in the air and screamed savagely as he shuffled toward him like a dead came back to life. He was moving closer and closer, the weapon sharp and glistening with blood, held up in the air and firm in his hand. He was almost close to him-when suddenly, Yoongi felt his feet again. He didn't waste any time and run as fast as his feet could drag him.

Yoongi's eyes burned at the clustered trees as he pulls on the intangible rope, desperate to grab its arms, and disappeared into the foggy wall on the other side. He was running faster, Yoongi believed he was. However, the trees seemed to be so far away, as though they were running away from him like he was from the insane man. And Yoongi realized he was no longer moving as he felt the ping of pain sweep over his body as he fell face down on the snow.

His knees hit the malicious stone and Yoongi could feel the blood spilling out as it wets his jeans. It hurt a little, and it would, he knew, soon hurt much more. But it doesn't matter, the pain suppressed upon the thought of the deadly blade after him and the gate to the other side of the forest. Yoongi scrambled back, groping for something, a door perhaps, leading back to his home. His hands grazed against the rough wood and Yoongi found himself trapped against the wooden wall.

He's shaking vulnerably. Yoongi couldn't hear anything but the loud thump of his worn boots against the snow echoed in his mind. Closer, louder, and foreboding.

The man was now only a couple of steps away from him. He has a disturbing slit on his mouth, and his eyes are wide and red like he hadn't slept for years. He stopped and looked down at him, with a grotesque smile on his devilish face.

"P-please, d-d-don't kill me." Yoongi knew he sounds pathetic, and he knew too that begging wouldn't do anything to him. It only makes the smile on the crazy man's face wider and he would think he was dominant and fearful-and he was. There comes a twang of sharp titters on the tail of his tongue like he was spitting prickly needles, and they dug under Yoongi's skin, making him shiver.

"Curiosity does really kill the cat, don't you think, young man?" His dead raspy voice spoke. With a disturbing grin on his face and the penetrating gaze he held, Yoongi could merely look straight at his shaggy face. But he was too afraid to look away, thinking that if he did, the man might bash his machete at him. Yoongi was scared that later he would find his head rolling around his dead body.

So he sat firm, trying to be brave even though the tears were welling in the edge of his eye. With no certainty of survival.

"I hate doing it, trust me, I don't want to do it..." The man said, his smile had disappeared and his expression darkened. "...But I can't let you live either."

His fingers curled tightly around the weapon. And he felt the sharp twinge in his fingertips like the tingling thorns of a venomous rose. His vision blurring, a large wave sweeping over his body and taking his senses away.

"You shouldn't have come in the first place." Yoongi's eyes widened as the machete flew into the air and he immediately closed his eyes, waiting for the blade to slash and slit his flesh apart.

However, it didn't come. No sharp blade; he could still feel his head, and no sting. When he opened his eyes again a moment later, the man had been knocked down on the ground, screaming in terrible pain as wolves seek their fangs under his flesh. His limbs slouch and blood spout from his open wound, thawing on the snow in a red pound.

The two wolves, brown and black, munching on his body and crunching on his bones. While the biggest of them stood only there and watched like he were a commandant watching his armies beat up a powerless man on the salted mud. The only thing is he was not a powerless man in conclusion when he killed that man back then inside the cabin brutally-he does not deserve sympathy but somehow, despite what he did, Yoongi could not help to feel sorry for him. And the urge of wanting to save him boils within himself.

Yoongi watched in horror. His lips shriveled and his face died in color. Yoongi doesn't know if he's supposed to thank them for saving his life from the crazy man-or be afraid. However, the truth will not hide away-they didn't save him. They killed the man so they can have him for their dinner later.

The man's red eyes stared at him intently. The blood gargles in his throat, muffling his helpless cries. Yoongi could not do anything as he watched the wolves drag his torn body, leaving a trail of red blood on the white-sheet ground. As they left, Yoongi saw the white wolf was now approaching his way.

He pressed himself against the wall, shrinking on the ground. The wolf's clawed paw stopped across his own. The giant shadow loomed over his small form. The wolf's golden eyes bored on his own. Yoongi stared back at it, hardly daring to breathe.

The wolf was only inches away from him and Yoongi couldn't stop the thoughts that raced in his head. The wolf could bite his head off at any time and it is nothing far from the truth.

However, the wolf only remained stolid on its ground. It stared some more and walked away wolfly, without looking back. Its ears pointed in edges, tails dangling between his legs, and padded away with pride.

Yoongi watched as the wolf became smaller and smaller, becoming a speck and then, a teeny dot as he took another step farther until it disappeared into the woods.

He puffed out a breath he doesn't know he was holding.

When he'd finally made sure they were gone, Yoongi mustered the strength to stand back up. He staggered back but he quickly caught his balance. He held onto the wall as he felt his legs giving up on his weight. The ground beneath him was cold wet air and felt like he was no longer standing on his feet. It was as though the world had faded and he was left floating in an empty sheet. His chest was constructing and with every breath he takes shots a bullet in his ribs. His vision starts to gray out around the edges. Then with one step backward, he crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings.

I know I said this is gonna be filled with fluff- Guess what?!


Huhu;-; I'm sorry I can't help it. I'm trying to write something cute but this little devil inside me won't let me do it.

Help me kill it by clicking that vote button so we can finally have a fluffy chapter we all deserve.

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