Ch 1 - New house,New start

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As Bae looked at her new house from the beautiful front yard their were birds singing as the flowers & leaves in air the go with the flow of the wind

As Bae inhale the air and exhaling out of satisfaction

Bae: "Finally after so much working at fauna's flower shop, Mumei's antic shop and Sana's bakery and a little help with kronii scheduling all of those for me I Finally have my own place!"

As Bae went to her car to get her stuff like a sleeping bag,money,food and etc.

Bae double checked everything inside the boxes to see if she has everything she needs till the truck comes in a few days

Bae :"That should be everything I need for now,Now time to get it inside"

As Bae carried the boxes inside and and putting her car in the garage she looked around the house to see if theirs any spider webs,cracks and God who knows what else

As Bae looked at door to the basement it gave her shivers

Bae :"eew..... creepy"

Something about basements creeped her out alot

As Bae tried to turn on the lights it was not turning on what so ever

Bae :"Huh..... The power is probably turned off,I can't believe it's probably down there"

As Bae opened the basement door and went down to look for the power box

Bae :"Jeez... it's dusty"

As Bae finally found the power box she opened turned on the power

Suddenly something feel startling bae

As she looked behind her it a was stuffed..... Demon?

As she looked more she found another one,She looks at the stuffed demons more she found the names

Bae :"Hm Gloom and Bloom? Who's stuff are these?"

As Bae continue to look through the old boxes she had lost track of time

After an hour of looking through stuff bae heard a familiar voice from upstairs

Kronii :"Yo Bae! I got you subway,Where you at?"

As Kronii looked around to look for bae

Bae :"I'm at the basement!"

As Bae answer kronii

Kronii made her way down the basement just to see a bae having alot of stuff that aren't her belongings

Kronii :"Um.... Who's stuff are these?

Bae :"I don't know just found theses here while turning on the power"

Kronii :"Well take a break and eat this sub and how about you clean yourself before eating,you look dusty"

Bae :"Fine but I'm cleaning this stuffeis"

Bae putted the stuff back instead there boxes but found something that caught her interest

Bae :"Hey kronii! Look I found an old telephone"

Kronii :"Why are you touching these stuff ? There all dirty"

Bae gave kronii a judgement looked

Bae :"Ok miss perfect, Ignore the fact you blended subway"

Kronii immediately felt offended though she can't deny she did in fact blended her sandwiches.....

Bae :"Hey kronii,You think this old thing?"

Kronii took a look as well and it seemed looks it can still function properly

Kronii :"Based of it's current condition i guess it can,though you really think someone still use these? Like it's from the somewhat 19s"

Bae :"Lmao no,I just wanna joke around with this"

As Bae got up almost dropping the telephone since her hands were full with the stuffeis but still got up the stairs

And as for kronii,She made her way to the kitchen

She Made her was to the room and plugged the telephone in

Kronii :"Now wash up you nitwit!"

Bae :"yeah yeah,I will"

Bae took off her clothes because of the amount of dust & stain on her shirt and wore a crop top

And made her way to kronii

Kronii :"Took you long enough, Here's yours Thank me later"

As Kronii Hand bae her subway

Bae :"Thanks kroniniii~"

If there's any Grammar mistakes,some words are missing in a sentence or if I misspelled something pls let me know

I want to make sure I made a better one than the last

Thank you everyone for having sm patient for me and supporting my other fics♡!!

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