Chapter 3

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Third POV

They put Peter in the backseat of the car "tony what should we do? He's fucking wasted" Steve said as he got in the driver's seat "I don't know, he's been distant from us, he used to tell me everything" tony made sure Peter was safe in the back and then got into the passenger seat "we can talk to him when he wakes up" Steve started the car and drove off, Steve saw something on peters neck when he was carrying him out, there was about four hickeys on his neck, he wasn't going to tell Tony about it, he didn't want Tony to get mad

They got home and Steve grabbed Peter out of the backseat, they started walking inside "he better tell us what's going on" tony sighed as the walked into the living room "what's going on?" Natasha said, she walked over to them

"We don't know, we're going to talk to him about it later" tony said Ashe walked into the kitchen "I'm going to put him in his room" tony nodded and steve walked to Peter's room, he laid Peter down on the bed, he left on Peter's clothes because he didn't invade Peter's privacy.

(Back to tony and Natasha)

Natasha sat down next to tony, who was pouring himself a drink "what happened?" Natasha asked, Tony sighed "I don't know, when we got to where Peter was, this guy opened the door, he was high and drunk, we got to Peter and he was passed out like drunk" tony downed his drink "wow, do you think he took stuff?" Natasha asked as she took his cup away "hey I wasn't done" tony said, he grabbed the cup back and poured more into the cup "tony, you shouldn't be drinking, Steve is going to mad at you for drinking" she said, Tony knew that she was right "I know, I know, I'll stop after this" Steve came back and walked over to them "are you drinking?" Tony looked up the Steve "yeah, I'm sorry" Steve sighed "I'm going to go" Natasha got up and went to her room "I'm sorry steve, I'm just really stressed with work and everything" Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's shoulders "it's okay tones, i get it" he kisses Tony's Temple, tony looked up to Steve "kiss me Stevie" Steve leaned down and kisses Tony's lips softly "mmhm" tony kissed back, Steve turned tony around and put his hands on Tony's waist, pulling him closer "s-Steve, slow down" they haven't been able to do anything sexual "I know, we just haven't done anything in while" Steve said while hovering over tony, smirking "god you are so beautiful tones" tony started blushing "let's take this the bed room" tony said and bit his lip, Steve picked him up and walked to the bed room, he closed their door.

In Peter's room

Peter woke up in drunken state "f-fuck" he got up and tripped on the covers "o-ow" he just laid on the floor "peter?" Tony said "y-yeah" tony opened the door, he sees peter on the floor "are you okay?" He helped peter up "what happened?" He helped peter sit on the bed "i-I was going to go to the bathroom but i fell" Peter was trying to act sober "I-I don't know what happened" Peter's words slurred "peter your drunk, I know you are" Peter's eyes widen "how-how do you know?" Tony chuckled "I picked you up from that party" peter eyes widened again, His body was swaying from side to side, peter was confused about how his dad found out "I called you and you picked up, you told me you were at a friends house and I tracked your phone and picked you up"

Peter opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out "just lay down petey, we'll talk later" Tony got up and walked to the door and walked out, he closed the door.

Peter laid down and stared at the ceiling, he got this wave of nausea "ugh" he struggled to get up but he did it, he walked to the bathroom "mhpm" he leaned onto the wall, his head was spinning "h-holy" he fell to his knees, he laid on his side, he felt sick "dad" he mumbled out, his head was ringing "I need it to stop" he slowly crawled to the toilet "dad!" His body was shaking "peter? Are you okay?" Steve asks, he walked towards peter, he helped him get up "you need to throw up?" He asked him, Peter nodded and Steve helped him, he held Peter's hair back and rubbed his back as he threw up everything that was in his stomach.

It was now 7 am, peter was fast asleep, Tony and Steve helped peter get undressed and put him to sleep

Tony and steve were sitting on the couch, Tony's head was on Steve's shoulder "I'm really worried about him steve" tony said and sighed "I know, I am too" Steve got up to make breakfast, they have been up All night, taking care of Peter, Tony walked into the kitchen with Steve, helping him with breakfast.

Peter woke up around 11, he felt disgusting "ugh" he got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, he took off the clothes and got into the shower, he washed away the gross smell and everything, he got out of the shower and put on some pajamas.

Peter's POV

I walked into the living room "oh Peter" Steve said "come sit down with us" I walked over to them and sat down "we need to talk about last night" my dad said to Me  "w-what about it" I looked down, I was fucking terrified "what happened? You were drunk, surrounded by people doing drugs and who was that guy you were with" dad said, he looked upset, I'm scared "h-he's just a friend and I-i wasn't doing drugs, i'm promise" i fidget with my fingers "peter are you lying? You need to tell us because if you were doing them, you need help" tony said, Steve looked at him "he told us that he didn't take anything" Tony rolled his eyes "maybe we should take a drug test" my eyes widened 'fuck fuck fuck, no no no, this can't be happened, they are going to be mad at me, I lied to them' "tony no, he's not taking a drug test" no I'm making them fight "i don't need the test, i didn't take them" me and Steve looked at me "your taking it" my dad got up and walked to the kitchen "dad I don't need it" I got up and followed "tony he doesn't need it and he's not taking it" they fighting because of me "Steve you don't have a say in this, he's my child not yours" Steve's eyes widened "i do the same amount of stuff that you do" Steve yelled at dad "he's my child as he is yours" Steve Yelled again, they started fighting back and forth, tears welded up in my eyes "stop! Stop!" I yelled Louder then the both of them "just fucking stop!" They both looked at me " i did them, I did the drugs, so fucking what!" I screamed at them "I don't need the drug test!" Tears started falling down my face " I'm sorry"

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