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The entire time I knew Hayden, it was evident how much he loved basketball from playing on the basketball court during break in middle school. Then when high school came along, I remember him being on varsity as a freshman.

Now here we were at eighteen years old, his time on the basketball team was coming to a close like my time on the sidelines. Well, unless I tried out in college but I hadn't decided on anything yet.

The fact that we were going to the same college hadn't really set in yet.

But I liked watching him play. He was good and I admired that he kept this laser focus while he played. 

"I heard Hayden is going to UT Austin." Hannah mentioned as we cheered on the sidelines.

I knew it was only a matter of time before she brought it up to me. He announced it on Social Media last night and that got a lot of attention. Probably because everyone thought he was going to some in-state school or Tennessee. 

I nodded my head. "He told me at senior retreat. It's funny how things work out."

Did I mention how awkward it was to talk about this to Hannah? I knew how much she liked Hayden at one point. It bothered me that I knew that they'd been together before. That she had him in a way that I didn't.

I just didn't want her to know how bothered I was by that because at the end of the day, it wasn't her fault. I just had to remember that.

"Hmm, my faves together all the way in Texas. What could happen?" she winked.


"It wasn't planned if that is what you think. He genuinely surprised me." I reminded her. 

"I know. He was sold on Tennessee for oo long and this happened." Hannah gave me this side-eye look. "He likes you, Ro. He's obviously really really really into you." 

I didn't want to tell her about what we were doing this weekend. That was staying between us until we were back.

"Valentine's Day is tomorrow." I got on to a different subject. "Student council is doing a bake sale at all lunch periods. Don't forget to stop by."

Hannah rolled her eyes. "Girl, just go for it. You and Hayden. Sitting in the tree."

I looked at her and stop talking. 

Trinity ran over whatever school we were playing. I think that was all Hayden though. The boy knew how to play basketball. 

"You did so good." I went up to Hayden after the game. 

He smiled. "Thank you, Ro. You did some pretty cool flips at halftime." 

He was supposed to be in the locker room, but he was watching me. I was grinning hard on the inside. 

"I try." 

"Any plans for tomorrow?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No. It is a Thursday after all. Plus, no boyfriend. There is a student council bake sale tomorrow. You should stop by."

He scrunched up his nose. "I'm not really a sweets person. We'll see though."

You learn something new every day. 

"We will." I agreed. "I'll let you get home."

"Text me when you get home." he held out his arm.

I gave Hayden hug. He smelt sweaty, but in some way that stupid ass hug was comforting. 

For Valentine's Day, my parents always got me the prettiest bouquet of flowers, my favorite chocolate (Hershey Cookies n Cream), and this year the Nike Blazers I wanted. 

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