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California was the small break that I needed.

I toured UC Santa Barbara. While I didn't see it being the school for me, it was a beautiful campus. We went on an electric bike tour, to the zoo, and took a boat out on the harbor.

While it was nice (or not really) to avoid the topic that brought everyone down, it was nice to spend time with my siblings and parents. We didn't argue for once. All we did was enjoy the sun before we headed back to North Carolina.

I had a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving.

I loved the food, but my mom wasn't even cooking this year since we got back from California this late. My parents opted for catering from God knows where. I loved seeing my family in one room, but I feared what they would say.

I had on a white bodysuit with my jeans and slippers since we would be staying in the house. I accessorized with gold bangles and rings. It was Thanksgiving after all and I didn't want everyone to see my meal so I brought down a white button-down with me.

"This is not your typical Thanksgiving food." I looked at what my parents had gotten catered.

Lamb chops, potatoes, asparagus, rolls, red velvet cake, so much of it too.

"Shawn went out to grab some wine. You can have a glass or two tonight." she offered.

I waved my hands. "Rowan B. Carroway is moving up in the world."

"And your grandparents should be here in fifteen minutes." my mom informed me.

I looked at her. "Both of them?"

"Both of them." she responded.

My mom was an only child, so I didn't have any cousins or aunts, or uncles on her side. My dad had a brother and a sister. My aunt Kelly lived in Dubai with her one child and husband. Then, my uncle, Marcus was too busy selling real estate and had two divorces. He had four kids but they were never really around much these days.

I liked my mom's side better even though they were quite insufferable too. My dad's side was just worse.

They were so pretentious and upity.

I used to wonder why Sloane acted the way she did, but I remembered that she would basically spend the entire summer in Martha's Vineyard with my dad's side.

Me on the other hand, I could bear to be with Mimi and Pop-pop that long. Plus I always had summer cheer practice.

"Best behavior." she pointed at me.

I rolled my eyes. "You should be telling them that."

I already knew what was coming.

"Please Rowan." she looked at me before she walked out of the kitchen.


I went out to the backyard and sat down next to my brother. He was sitting on the swing on just looking out at the pool.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked Shawn.

"How I don't feel like having a family dinner," he responded.

I shrugged. "At least you have something going for you. I mean you're in middle school, you have a great girlfriend, and you're basically the golden child. To everyone else, I'm the lost baby of the family with the R name."

"Are you still sold on UT Austin?" my brother turned to me.

He looked exactly like the younger version of my dad down to the fade in his hair.

"I am. I hear back next month." I nodded.

"That's good for you." he approved. "I knew that you would never stay here. Ro always needed room to fly."

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