Part 1: Rent

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LOCATION- Riley Family Kitchen

It's currently late afternoon Sasha is sitting at the kitchen table blood focused on his physics book with earbuds listening to what we could assume is another musical theatre album. He's so focused he doesn't even hear the stomping and loud laughs from his brother Ian and his friends as they walk through the front door from basketball practice. All sweaty and musky. Something Sasha has never gotten used to and probably never will.

Ian and his friends notice Sasha at the table so they all give each other a devilish look and grin and nod as Ian walks to the kitchen table sneaking up on Sasha tip-toeing carefully to him with his friends stationed at the door trying to hold in their laughter. Ian stop directly behind and grossly spits in his hand and in a split second with all the force he could slap Sasha on the neck.



Ian and his friend erupt in laughter as Sasha holds the back of his neck feeling a stinging sensation.

" Come on rabbit it wasn't that bad, " Ian says unapologetically.

" YES, IT WAS YOU DICK !! Sasha's voice continues to rise as it catches the attention of their mother upstairs.

" Boys what's going on "

" Nothing," Ian says lying but still erupting in laughter.

Sasha starts to raise his hand to his brother but quickly goes against the idea knowing trying to hit his 6'4 captain of the basketball team brother wasn't gonna do much damage so he turns to get back to his music and book.

" You guys can head up I'll be there in a second " Ian tells his friends and as they head upstairs he takes a seat at the table beside Sasha.

"C'mon," Ian asks Sasha knowing his brother too well he notices when something is off about him.

"What" Sasha replies trying to look puzzled and confused at what Ian was talking about but in the back of his mind he knows that his brother can read him like a book it's something he loves most about his brother.

" Rabbit you know I know you like the back of a basketball so cmon what's wrong we always joke like that that's our thing but you seem far too upset for me just hitting the back of your neck "

Sasha doesn't even try to lie knowing his brother would just figure him out anyway sooner or later.

" I know I'm sorry I'm just really nervous about the upcoming casting for the musical they come out to tomorrow and I'm sorta on edge " 

Sasha tenses up at the thought of not getting the lead role since he rehearsed nonstop all summer consuming every last lyric and dialogue it's something he wanted so bad.

Being more serious and comforting seeing his brother's genuine worry Ian puts his hand on Sasha's shoulder.

" Rabbit listen you always do great in these things so stop worrying you so much "

" I know bu- " Ian quickly interrupts Sasha not letting him finish.

" No buts you're gonna get the part and be great because you're my little brother so I know you can and then you're gonna go on and do that stupid little broadway thing you're always talking about "

Sasha didn't know rather feel too offended at that comment or just be grateful that his brother cared enough so he just decided to give Ian a puzzled.

" Well stupid to me but important to you and if it's important to you then it's important to me "

Sasha couldn't help but smile at that comment knowing his brother no matter how stupid he could be always had his back.

" Thanks, bro " Sasha goes in to hug his brother who wasn't very touchy but since Sasha was in a bad place he let it slide.

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