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Sasha Riley isn't the most popular kid in his school, to say the least, he is any and everything a nerdy bullied high school kid could be. He is short a whopping 5'7 without any muscle or athletic abilities his friends like to compare him to a pixie stick which he doesn't mind but admittedly it does sting. He is the smart kid in class while wait for it...being a theatre kid. Being a smart theatre kid with zero athletic ability and zero athletic physicality is asking to be shoved in a locker in today's high school life and he has a predominantly girls name I mean come on is there any more to be said? Sasha sometimes thinks did god just say f*ck it and gave him whatever leftover scarps were left.

Despite his differences and constantly being teased about them, Sasha is happy with his life he's comfortable knowing that two years from now he'll be originating a role on broadway while these losers whose peak came when they went from colored to chapter books will be doing nothing but living off daddy's money. He has an amazing family with great friends and a plan strict 5-step plan that he isn't gonna let anyone and he means anyone derails him from.

1: Get the lead role in the winter showcase musical

This year is Rent and the role of Mark is Sasha's he has already manifested and wouldn't accept anything less.

2: Stay at the top of the class

Schooling was important to Sasha and slacking wasn't an option

3: Find a date to prom

Now I know what you think finding a date to prom doesn't seem as important but to Sasha it is. Being one of the few gay guys at his school that are out is hard the dating pool is shallow.

4: Graduate The top of my class

This was one of the biggest accomplishments Sasha has been working towards and he doesn't plan on letting anyone take that top spot from him

5: Originate a Broadway Role

This was the cream of the crop the #1 in his books the top of the mountain. All of Sasha's hard work and dedication to the theatre will lead to this moment.

But to Sasha's unknowing some of these plans would change and the cause of that change started here.....

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