Cloudy Vision

119 7 1

"huh? How long has it been? Brother?" I said as I looked around.
Around me was a rainbow with all the colours going, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, gray, white and then back to red. "What is with all the new colours?" I looked down. I'm levitating above the true origin, the only thing that I created without my brother.
"I hope my powers still work" I said while I tried to summon my viewing console.
"I guess they work, now let's see what have changed about the universe." I said as I looked at the console.

(that is how the dimensions are placed

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(that is how the dimensions are placed.)

"Well let's see, brother is in the black world. There is the darkness going around. Steves? Crystals? I'll just watch what happens and I will interfere if I really need to..."

author speaks

~~~ just so you know I am doing a percy jackson fanfic as well.~~~

The Rainbow-questing God (DISCONTINUED AND UP FOR ADOPTION)Where stories live. Discover now