Chapter 10: Power of 1-A

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The following day was normal, nothing too unordinary from what Izuku heard from Himiko. Since Izuku is new to school life, Himiko ended up explaining few school activities to Izuku yesterday as well,  which she didn't really mind doing so.

Izuku: (Hmm...English, Mathematics, Literature, Himi-chan said that these are normal high school subjects and she thought it would be different considering we are in a hero course. I wouldn't know so I will just take her word for it.)

He thinks as he makes his way to the cafeteria. When he reached the cafeteria, he was met with a big hall purposed for all the students to get more familiar with each other while having meals.

Izuku: (It is beneficial to have good relationship with your seniors as well as your sister classes.)

He makes his way to the register and orders his food; Katsudon.

Izuku: (Since our family has a long history with the emperial family dating way back, they decided to send money to our family centuries ago when capitalism was just starting and we were transitioning to modern age, so money is no problem although we are not rich.)

He takes the tray of food and takes it to a table where Himiko was seated.

Himiko: Hey Izu-kun, what do you have there?

Izuku: ...Katsudon...

Himiko: O-Oh

Himiko stutters because she knows that is his favorite dish his mother used to make for him. Izuku sits down and stares at the food for some time.

Izuku: (...Looks different...)

He takes a bite of everything.

Izuku: (...tastes different...)

He starts eating at a normal pace.

Izuku: (...this is nothing like her's...)

Gyuki watches silently as his jinchuuriki eats his lunch. He knows that Izuku is trying to accept that she is gone, but she was too close to Izuku to have him accept it in few months, no, it will take years of grievance to finally accept that Inko Shimura has ascended to high heavens.

Himiko watches Izuku eat as she indulges in her own meal.

Himiko: (His pain... it's evident in those eyes if you look long enough. Inko-san has left a big hole in his life that even though his grandfather is back, it's still not enough to fill that gap...I don't like this...I don't like seeing you in pain Izu-kun.)

Just then, 4 people walk up to them and Himiko recognizes one of them as Togata Mirio.

Togata: Yo!

Izuku: Hello Togata-senpai, Amajiki-senpai, Hado-senpai and Todoroki-senpai.

Natsuo: How you doin buddy?

Izuku: Alright.

Hado: Hey, why so grim? Is the food not good? Lunch rush makes delicious food so I don't think it is the food.

Izuku: No, the food is good. *Mutters* Just not like hers.

The four takes seat, Mirio and Natsuo on both sides of Izuku and Nejire and Tamaki next to Himiko.

Hado: Ne ne, will you tell me about your quirk now? How does it work? How can you fly? What was that thing you turned into? And-

Izuku: Himiko could you?

Himiko takes her phone out, opens her notes and passes it to Nejire.

Himiko: Those are description about Izu-kun's quirks.

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