chapter 6: distractions (1)

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kimhan sighed. lately, his days have gotten busier. not only that but he's also preparing himself for his concert. he's been very tired and exhausted, going back and forth between music, university, music and back to university, not to forget, practicing. he has been been practicing a lot for his concert, like, a very high amount of a lot. this began to concern his lover, kimhan hasn't even batted an eye to himself, to the fact that he sometimes looks like a walking corpse. maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but it's still in a way truthful, kimhan has not been paying enough attention and has not been giving enough care to himself as he has to his work and porchay. yes. he was still paying more attention to porchay.

"p'kim?" porchay softly called out for him. his voice sounded pained. kimhan turned around immediately, no thought or hesitation. "what's wrong angel?" kimhan asked worriedly. this idiot, porchay would say. the younger walked over to him, sitting down on his lap and hiding his face in the olders chest. "can you please focus on yourself more?.." porchay sadly said. kimhan sighed, he didn't think that him not paying attention to himself more would affect his lover and not him. kimhan is really just used to being selfless. he is used to not focusing on himself and instead focusing on his work. it's not been a huge deal to him but it seems as if it is to porchay. his intentions aren't to worry his angel, they really aren't. he just wants to put on a good show but if it makes his little angel worried? he'll make sure he'll focus on himself too.

"alright, i will" kimhan reassured as he caressed the youngers cheek. "promise me" porchay said sternly, though to kimhan? he sounded extremely cute. "i promise" kimhan said as he smiled. he then leaned in, pecking the youngers lips, tasting and savouring the vanilla chapstick porchay had on. he bit down onto porchay's bottom lip making the younger whine and open his mouth. this action allowed kimhan's tongue to play around. "mhmm" porchay whined again. kimhan chuckled as he pulled back. "what's wrong angel?" he teased. "it's not time for that p'kimm~" porchay giggled as he leaned closer as well, pecking the olders nose softly. "i have to get to classes but i wanted to say that i love you a lot p'kim and i don't want you to only be focused on me and your work but also yourself. i don't care if that's how you're used to being because it needs to change." porchay started off sweetly but became slightly more serious. kimhan is soo in love with porchay. it's in a way, unexplainable. the fact that porchay was the first person to ever say this to him, to ever put him in his place. it really made him happy, it made him happy to know that someone loves him as much as porchay does.

"can i drive you to uni?" kimhan asked. porchay thought for a second and nodded in agreement. "that sounds good for me!" porchay said, smiling brightly. kimhan chuckled and pecked the younger on the forehead lovingly and sweetly. "alright, i'll just go and quickly get changed" he announced. porchay hummed and got off his lap. kimhan got up from the chair he was sat on and walked over to their room. porchay smiled as he picked up his phone and went on it.


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chay.chay this was me last night, skincare is important people!!

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