Portal? Oh...

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'My brother...The Steves...They are just stupid. The darkness is protecting them and THEY ARE FIGHTING IT!!! They're stupid...I guess I have to interfere so there could be peace...Or the Steves leave for their particular home in the color dimensions. '
I snap out of my thoughts and snap my fingers. I have just teleported to the mid-world. The mid-world is a dimension where anyone can enter, players, beings from the color realms, beings from the spirit realms, other worldly gods and anyone and anything else.
"Now just to locate the entrance to the Steve world..." I mutter.
As I walked through the forest, I noticed my surroundings, and it was beautiful...
I was walking down a hill and a few meters away from me was a small waterfall only around 5 meters high. The water was as clear as crystals in the rever below it.
As I continued walking, I noticed the nature. The grass was the greenest color I have ever seen, the trees were standing high like they were proud to be as beautiful as they are. They also had fruit, I picked one and tried it. The fruit is very sweet but not too much. There were flowers growing here and there in groups and with the morning daw covering them, they looked like something only royalty would have.
There weren't many animals around, but those that were made the scene ever more beautiful. There was a bee hive in one tree, the worker bees collecting nectar from the flowers. One dove was flying over the clearing I found myself in and a pack of wolfs on the other side of the clearing. I didn't notice that two butterflys were about to land on my nose until I felt them land. It was then that I was put a hand out and both butterflys took off and landed on my hand. One of the butterflys was fully black while the other was rainbow colored.
It was then that I remembered that I was supposed to be looking for the entrance point of the Steve world, then I continued walking.

As I was walking, I saw a shadowy figure in the corner of my eye and I quickly spun around... Nothing... I continued walking. A few minutes later, I saw the same shadowy figure run past me. "who's there?!?!" I yell out. "私たちと一緒に家に帰る" I heard... 😳 That... is Japanese... "And why should I come to your home!?" I yelled again cuz I didn't know where they were. "暗闇を助けるために"... 😳 😕 "TO HELP OUT THE DARKNESS!?! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! SURE! Why in the world not!?" I shot back like I was insane.
"その後、私たちに従ってください" Without saying another word, I did as they said and follow them.

I was following them for what felt like hours but I knew it was only 15 minutes. Just as I was about to ask when we would be getting there a tomb came into view. It was old. Like really old. It looked like it would cave in at any moment. The shadowy figure went in without any hesitation so I was shrugged and went in. The stairwell was very long and I think it took about 10 minutes just to get down,but when I got down there was no shadowy figure anywhere in sight though there was a grave with a grave marker on it. It was origin Steve's grave... He was the holder of the weaker version of the true origin that I created. It was then that I looked around again. There was a confused looking figure on the grave.
I sigh. "If you are with the darkness, which I believe you are, I will explain when we meet again, so just send me where you're gonna send me" I said as I stood up from the kneeling position I was in while I was looking at the greve marker.
The faded blue being which I believe is called a Steve looked a bit awkward but used magic to send me through the Narrow gap between the mid-world and the Steve world though it did cause a lot of lightning.

Everything was white for a moment or two but when my sight came back, I saw something I wasn't expecting. I was in a wooden room with a Portal behind me. When I was approached it to examine it, it shattered like glass. I was a bit surprised by it, but the surprise quickly faded. I quickly went back to examining the room and found a pressure plate really fast. When I stepped on it the wall opened up like if it was a door.
As I walked through the opening, I walked into a house of some sort. I tried to find an exit, I ran into a red Steve I think. I am colorblind after all.
"woah who are you?!" the Steve freaked out. I thought about it for a moment and answered. "I am Sabre. And what color are you?" I asked. "Ya know that it's a bit rude to ask obvious questions right? But I am a red Steve." he answered. "I know it's rude but I can't see red and yellow. Both of these colors look gray to me. Oh and I came out of a portal here in your house." I blabbered for a bit. He then started blabbing so I couldn't follow what he was saying. He, then, asked me to follow him to a shrine which I did.

When we were near the shrine I noticed the surroundings. The Shrine was a build into a cliff and the gates were massive, nothing was around here except for us. Flowers weren't blooming except for wither roses here and there and vines growing from the top of the shrine.
Ones we were finally before the gates, I asked a question to which I already know the answer to. "Is there a way to open those giant doors?" "Not that I know of..." "We should look for a way to open it, then" "sure why not?"
After that, we started looking for a button or lever but after a minute, I noticed an out of place block. It looked like a perfect place to stand, so I was called out to red to show him this. So I stood on the block and said the first thing to come to mind...
"Open sesame for the creator" I called out while willing the gate to open. Red give me a strange look before he noticed the gate opening. The gate didn't even make a sound, perfect. He then give me a look that said that he'll question me later. We went in, it kinda looked like a giant safe only with 7 pedastools, 3 on each side and one straightforward that looked kinda red while the other ones looked like the other 6 Steve colors.
As we walked towards the red pedastool I willed the Gate to close because I had a suspicion that the darkness was sealed inside The Strain. The red Steve was walking to his doom.
When we climbed the stairs to the red pedastool, red Steve started explaining everything, the prophecy, the Steves, the darkness. He said this:
"There was a prophecy, it said that the being that came out of the portal that you came out of would help the Steves by creatingthe next hero, the next reinbow Steve, who is created by merging all of the crystals, which are protected by the strongest of their respective color. The Steve are catagraised into 7 groups all by color, and each color represents 1 quality anout the Steves. Red Steves hold the most knowledge, orange Steve's represent creativity, yellow Steve's  represent energy, green steves represent healing, blue steves represent spirituality, indigo steves represent connection and violet steves represent love. The darkness was always there. The only Steve to get corrupted by it and get uncorrupted was the first hero... "
His rant seemed to go on forever, so I was stopped listening and looked around. On the other 6 pedastools 6 siluetes were forming. Between the 7 pedastools 1 silueta was almost done forming.
So I waited. After the shadow formed, it ran at red and straight into him merging with him? Before he was completely corrupted, he looked to me with fear and he said "what?"
"2 gods, light and darkness,
one without the other can't exist,
darkness visits one's a blood moon,
but he wasn't going to come soon,
light has went out searching for him,
and the situation is because of him,
one with horns and one with wings,
and he starts here his searchings. "

As I said that I turned my back on him, lifted my hand and willed the gate to open.
Then I left.

~AT~ do you like the rhyme sabre spoke?~

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