(Y/N was in the forest battling a snake-like monster that kept slithering around.)
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Y/N: God, I hate snake monsters. (Dodges an attack from it.)
Snake monster: (Hisses)
(Y/N soon grabs the tail, lifts up the snake, slams it into multiple trees, and than ties it to one. The snake tries to bite Y/N, but it can't get close enough to him. Y/N just pulled out a revolver and began loading it.)
Y/N's Phone:
(Start at 0:50)
(Y/N looked at his phone and saw that it was Molly, he sighed and picked it up.)
Y/N: Hello.
Molly: (On Phone) Hey, Y/N! What's that hissing sound?
(Y/N looks over at the snake monster and sees that it was still trying to kill him. He quickly points the revolver at it and-)
(Stop at one shot)
Y/N: What sound?
Molly: (On Phone) Never mind. HOW ARE YA?!?!
Y/N: Well, other than you almost blowing up my eardrums I'm doing fine.
Molly: Awesome, also I kinda need your help with something.
Y/N: Uh. sure what is it?
Molly: Well you see today I'm going camping with the Wilder Scouts to help make some more friends, but don't be jealous you will always be my Bestie!
Y/N:....-_-.... I'm not jealous, but ok go on.
Molly: Snd I kinda want you to go Camping with us....s-so you can h-help me out of course, n-not cause I wanna spend time with you or anything like that.
Y/N: (Sigh) look Molly I know I said that we can hang out anytime, but camping is not exactly my version of hanging out. So, I'm sorry, but the answer is no.
Molly:...Can you put me on FaceTime?
Y/N: Why?
Molly: Please.
(Y/N puts her on FaceTime and saw that she was giving Y/N puppy dog eyes.)
Y/N:....Nice try Molly, but I'm not falling for that trick, many other girls has used that so many times to make me do stuff for her and it's not gonna work.