Part 4: Love

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Sakura softly opened the bedroom door so the composition of the room was kept at rest. Evening was waning into the horizon. The main light had been shut off but there was a lamp that glowed orange. Illya was tucked underneath mounds of blankets, her soft hands resting above them, and her head cradled in pillows, mouth ajar from warm breaths, silver fluffs of hair drifting across her face.

Sakura placed the Taiyaki on the bedside table. Her own hand reached out to Illya's hand. They both connected and felt the warmth between the skin, in the veins, and the nervous system, to create a spark that signaled from one heart to another. And so, Illya wakes up.

"Mwah? S-sakura?" Illya tilts her head up to see the purple-haired girl gazing down at her. She feels like she is floating underwater. An orange jelly tank. Sakura wraps her hand around the Taiyaki and sets it on Illya's chest.

"Um here you are. I got this desert for you." Sakura mumbles.

Illya sits up, as much as she can, and holds the Tayaki between her numb fingers. She pulls apart the plastic and pushes the doughy fish up to her mouth.

Nom. Just a little bite, but she feels a little better.

Sakura is taken into the cuteness of Illya's eating habits. She leans over Illya's petite body and plants her arm on the other side to hold herself up, fingers stretching over cloth.

And slowly, she falls like snow, and gently wraps her arms around Illya, and rests her head on top of hers, and blood flows into both of their cheeks, and their eyes connect before they can understand what has happened, or is happening, because the was is is now.

Illya is stunned at first but soon lifts her arms up and grasps the back of Sakura's neck. She forgets about illness and death and all the evils of the world, them both. The wounds and bruises are nullified for the moment.

So they shed all of time, in ever-present feeling, and embrace to stay in the forever

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