Chapter 2

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They didn't realize that one of there own was an enemy. I could still get behind enemy lines.

Y/n: I'll go around, and kill them without there knowing.

Lightning: That's one hell of a gamble.

Y/n: Yeah, but it's better than nothing.

Lightning: Let's get out of here.

Y/n nodded following Lightning. ??? too joined up.

A scorpion like vehicle grab the train cart they were on, and destroyed it.

Y/n: Welp. There goes my cover.

Lightning: Your cover was probably blown anyways. Those helmets have cameras on them.

Y/n nodded. Glad that he didnt take the gamble. As the three of us exited the train.

Y/n: Luckily I know this things weakness. Let's go.

The three of us quickly took it down. With ??? cover. Lightnings, and my swordsman ship. Or well we thought it was finished.

Y/n: Back onto the next cart.

As we did so ??? mocked it.

???: Not so tough now are we?!

Only for it some propulsion system to go off.

???: Hey now let's be rational!

Y/n had a slight smirk at his rant. Lightning could only sigh. The vehicle lifted up the first cart, and started shaking it around. So Light, ???, and myself went to the next cart only for that one to follow suit.

Lightning started running. We all knew it was time to go. Me, and Lightning slide down the side. As ??? Jumped last second.

Lightning: Heads up.

???: This thing wont give up. Will it?

Y/n: Pretty sure a person controls it. So yeah. It wont give up.

As the vehicle quickly lands before us, and we take our stance one more time.

We yet again take it down for the side to explode. Next thing we knew it fell off the railway into the water below.

??? finally was able to catch his breath.

Y/n: Welp that driver is dead.

Lightning: Lets go.

???: Shouldn't you be protecting people. Soldiers.

Me, and Light both stopped in our tracks.

Light: I'm not a soldier anymore.

Y/n: I'm a traitor so I'll be killed on site.

Light looked over at Y/n. Then faced forward before jumping off the train.

???: Where are you going?

Y/n: Well we need to move forward if we stay in one place we'll probably die.

???: Makes sense. Ah. Sorry. What's your name.

Y/n: Y/n, and yours?

Sazh: Sazh.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. I would have loved to meet you under different circumstances.

Sazh smiled at the boy.

Sazh: Your different than her.

Y/n: Lightning is. Difficult at first, but once you get to know her she's an amazing person.

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