i. something new

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Jan 25th 2012

WHEN STEVE CAME OUT OF HIS ICY NAP, Nick Fury didn't tell Steve a lot of things and for a lot of reason. One of those things being: the existence of Steve Roger's daughter. For months, Fury had wrestled with the timing of this delicate disclosure, and today, with Steve back in the world of the living, the moment had arrived.

Born from Hydra experimentation, she had Steve's DNA, yet she remained unaware of her origins. When she was eight years old, she had recently been liberated from Hydra's clutches, finding refuge within the confines of a specially prepared room at S.H.I.E.L.D. Clint Barton and Phil Coulson were tasked with making sure to watch her.

Fury approached Steve's training room, grappling with the decision to confront this revelation alone or if he should've just brought Maria Hill to do this. With a hesitant knock, he awaited Steve's response.

"Come in," Steve's voice echoed through the door, making him sigh.

Turning the handle, Fury stepped into the room, finding Steve immersed in his training regimen, his fists pounding against the resilient surface of the punching bag. It was a familiar sight, that often greeted Fury during his visits.

As Steve paused to wipe the sweat from his brow, Fury braced himself to broach the delicate subject weighing on his mind.

As Fury stood before Steve, the weight of his revelation bore down upon him like an invisible burden, his mind racing with uncertainty. "Cap, how are you?" he began, his voice betraying none of the the nervousness churning within him.

Taking a seat on a nearby stool, Steve's demeanor remained composed, his decades-old manners still ingrained in his every gesture. "Fine, and you?" he replied, his gaze fixed on Fury with an unwavering intensity.

"I'm fine," Fury answered, though the words felt hollow on his tongue. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for what lay ahead, his hands hanging limply at his sides. "I came to talk to you about something very important," he continued, his voice faltering slightly under the weight of his confession.

As Steve leaned in, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern, Fury struggled to find the right words to convey the gravity of the situation. "Before I start, just know, you have a choice in the matter, okay?" he said, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

Steve nodded in understanding, his patience beginning to wane as Fury danced around the heart of the matter. "We have a girl—" Fury began, his words trailing off as the door swung open harshly, revealing Clint Barton and a young girl standing beside him, her features mirroring Steve's own.

"Meet your daughter, Cap!" Clint announced, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation as he gently was locked hands with the tiny girl.

Fury's jaw went slack as he stared at Clint in disbelief, his carefully laid plans crumbling in an instant. Steve, meanwhile, remained seated, his expression shifting from confusion to bewilderment as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The girl, looked no older than seven, stood before them with a blank expression, her small frame trembling slightly under the weight of the moment. "Wrong time?" Clint ventured, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he glanced nervously at Fury for guidance.

Fury let out a weary sigh, his frustration palpable as he closed his eyes briefly before addressing Clint. "I thought we talked about this, Barton. Wait for me to call you," his voice carried a tense edge, betraying his irritation.

Steve, growing increasingly confused by the unfolding scene before him, interjected with a hint of impatience, "Sorry, but what's going on?"

Turning his attention back to the matter at hand, Fury's gaze shifted to the young girl standing before them. With another sigh, he gestured for her to take a seat, pulling out a nearby chair in a silent invitation. The girl, obedient and eager to comply, settled into the seat beside Fury, with Clint hovering protectively behind her.

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