ii. tough decisions

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to join his newfound child for lunch, urging him to seize the opportunity to forge a connection with the young girl. As Steve reluctantly took a seat across from Sarah, he couldn't shake the nagging sense of uncertainty that gnawed at him from within.

What would he even say to her? They were practically strangers, bound together by nothing more than a shared genetic code. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was little more than a stranger intruding upon her life, imposing himself upon her with no real understanding of what she needed or wanted.

"Hey, Sarah," Steve greeted her tentatively, his voice betraying his uncertainty as he struggled to find the right words.

Sarah, her blonde locks pulled back into a loose ponytail, regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "Hi, mister..." she replied hesitantly, her tone tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

The word 'mister' hung in the air between them, a stark reminder of the awkwardness that lingered in the space between them. It didn't feel right, but neither did 'dad,' even though Steve knew that technically, he was her father.

AS Steve sat across from Sarah, grappling with the awkwardness of their newfound relationship, he couldn't help but feel a pang of relief when his gaze fell upon the drawing nestled beneath her elbow. Finally, something to break the uneasy silence that hung between them like a heavy shroud.

"What's the drawing?" he inquired, his voice tinged with genuine curiosity as he gestured towards the colorful image.

Sarah's eyes lit up with a shy sort of pride as she reached for the drawing, her fingers tracing the lines of her creation with a sense of reverence. Holding it up for Steve to see, she explained, "It's Mister Fury and Arrow man."

Steve couldn't help but smile at the sight of the poorly but cutely drawn figures, his heart warming at the realization that Sarah had chosen to immortalize her mentors in such a creative way. His gaze lingered on the figure beside Fury, noting the blonde hair and muscular physique that bore a striking resemblance to himself. Beside him stood another man, his arm adorned with a gray and his hair long and unkempt maybe the fact that it was drawn by a nine year old.

"Who are the other two?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic figure depicted in Sarah's drawing.

"That one is you," Sarah replied, her voice tinged with a hint of reverence as she pointed towards the blonde figure. But it was the other man who captured Steve's attention, his features shrouded in mystery until Sarah provided the answer.

Steve's curiosity piqued as he pressed further, his gaze lingering on the mysterious figure known as "What about the other guy?" He watched as Sarah faltered for a moment, her hesitation speaking volumes even as she struggled to find the right words.

"That is... Mister Soldat," she replied quietly, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke the name.

Steve's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing to place the name within the context of his own experiences. It was a title that held an air of mystery, shrouded in shadow and uncertainty.

"And who is he?" Steve inquired cautiously, his tone laced with a hint of apprehension as he awaited Sarah's response. He thought about how maybe he should lay off the questions a bit.

"He is my friend," Sarah replied simply, her words carrying a weight of emotion that Steve couldn't quite decipher.

Though his curiosity begged for more answers, Steve sensed Sarah's growing discomfort and decided to let the matter rest. The last thing he wanted was to upset her further, especially as they were just beginning to form a tentative bond.

MIRRORBALL, Sarah RogersWhere stories live. Discover now