1. Slower by the second

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"What do you want to be when you grow up that seems like an easy question, they ask you when you're younger what do you want to be when you're older". 

"You say I want to be an astronaut, policeman, construction worker, and even a unicorn but only 6% of kids actually get the jobs they wanted out of 7.753 billion people".

"But they make you choose and if you don't you won't get anywhere in life but if you also don't have good grades or just don't want to you're on the streets"

"The point is that whatever you choose is going to change you're life forever so choose what makes you happy and not what someone else's idea is for you".

As I stoped talking it goes silent then claps start booming from the audience I look around the room with a small smile on my face.

Wishing that my family could be her in the audience but we can't get everything we want I walk to the side of the podium with the other students.

My principal goes up to speak as she got up there she looked around the room and saw how people looked inspired and sad at the same time.

She saw how people were feeling moved in a better direction from the students that made wonderful speeches this night.

" hello everyone I would just say that we really appreciate you for coming to this fun night that we had planned and for supporting are dear students of Midtown high"

" we would like to introduce you to our fellow students to give you some ideas of who they are before we start the voting"

She calls students to the front and tells the audience about them after a long couple of minutes she finally calls me up to the front.

As I walk up to the front of the stage by my principal I see a little girl in the audience with dark brown hair and brown eyes with a black dress on.

She looked really happy she sat next to a bigger man with a beard and a tuxedo on he looked like he rather die then be hear but still sum what enjoys it.

" alright this is Rosalyn sapphire Thomson and she is the president of this speech club along with the photography,book, and music she has straight As and 0 tarries or absents"

" she also is in many sports so give it up for Rosalyn... now please put in you're votes"

As the crowd claps and whistles I felt my cheeks go red I walk over to the spot where I was earlier and waited  for the votes to be in.

It felt like time was going slower by the second.

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