Chapter Three

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Monday, September 1st, 11:17

"Aaron, is it always this exhausting being such an asshole?" I ask sarcastically.

"Kinda," he shrugs. "It takes a lot of practice."

"If only you practiced that much for basketball," Max says, stealing fries from my plate. "We might've stood a chance against Spring Falls."

"Max, eat your own fucking food," I say, swatting his hand away. He grins but takes a handful anyway.

"He's got a point, you know," Zara says, stabbing her lettuce with her fork. "You guys were doomed from the start. You won like two games."

"Did you see yourself in football last year?" Aaron retorts. "You were more concerned about fixing your hair rather than the actual game! You got out in the first ten minutes of the first game!"

"The football hit my face and gave me a nosebleed!" Zara says defensively.

"Yeah, and you didn't notice it flying at you because you were too busy doing your hair in the reflection of a water puddle!"

She gapes at him, wanting to reply but all she does is shove a tomato in her mouth.

"That salad looks tasty," Alora says, trying to ease the tension.

"It's not," Zara says coldly. "In fact, it tastes very much like dog shit. All this crap about eating healthy, but the vegetables aren't even fresh."

"It's a public school, what were you expecting? Five-star dining?" Aaron says snarkily.

"Aaron, could you actually shut the fuck up?" Zara snaps. "Nobody cares about you and your stupidly long hair or your dumb opinions." She gets up and her heels click-clack against the floor.

And then comes a splat.

Zara's white shirt now has a triangle made of chunky tomato sauce painted on the back of it. The pizza slice is flat against the floor and Zara spins on her heel to glare at Aaron. We're all biting back smiles as Zara explodes and starts screaming.

"You asshole, this is my favourite shirt!" she shrieks. "Not to mention, it's expensive! I spent two-hundred dollars on this!"

"Damn, two hundred for something that ugly?" Aaron says snidely.

"Fuck you." Zara snatches my apple juice and pours the whole bottle on his head. It drips down to his tee and stains it. It's sticky and stinks up the area. She lurches the empty bottle across the room and it hits some poor kid right in the eye.

"Holy shit!" someone yells from across the cafeteria.

Aaron looks for something to throw at Zara, while she scurries away from him. She hides behind Blair, who's unattentive to everything that's happening. Aaron takes the chocolate cake that I was saving for dessert and launches it across the table at Zara, who ducks. The cake hits Blair in the cheek and some of it gets in her hair.

"Why is it always my food?"

"Oh, you little shit," Blair says. "You're gonna pay for that."



Demor is currently yelling at Zara, Alora, and Camila for the food fight. The twins are cleaning up in the bathroom and Aaron got off scot-free for whatever reason. So, long story short, everyone at my table is in trouble, plus Ayeza. Ezra was smart enough to leave when it first broke out and is currently in class, his clothes food-free. They all started attacking each other with food, and then Ayeza got involved when Zara spilled water all over her pants to make it look like she pissed herself. So, naturally, Ayeza fought back.

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