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"Everyone else is owling home to their parents for moondew and asphodel," Ella rambled, as the three girls stepped slowly through tall grass, wands lit before them. "And here we are at midnight, wandering the Forbidden Forest, like idiots, for a potion that probably doesn't even work."

Corinne bit back a smile at her theatrics, even if she had a point.

"The entire school wouldn't be talking about this potion if it didn't actually work, Ella." Taylor smiled, excitedly, her eyes not leaving the ground.

Another good point. Prospicere Futurum had been all anyone had talked about since returning to Hogwarts. If the whispers and giggles in every hallway was any indication, the potion definitely worked.

"A potion that tells you your actual soulmate can not be real. Or if it is, no way it's easy enough for students to discover." Ella said through a yawn.

"Moondew!" Corinne shouted, cutting off any previous doubts in any of their minds. A few crumpled white flowers on long slender stems poked out from along a tree stump where the girls paused, reaching out to pluck some petals from the plant, eyes widening as the petals grew back once again, good as new.

"Alright, now to find the asphodel-" Taylor scanned the area, as if it would present itself at last.

"Taylor, we'll find it tomorrow, please-" Ella yawned as Corinne tucked the petals into a napkin and stowed it inside her purse gently. "I'm tired, we have class at eight."

"Yeah, come on, Taylor, you've had your fun." Corinne set a hand on the girls shoulders, pulling them both back towards the welcome yellow light of the path not far ahead. Twigs snapped beneath their feet as they drew closer to the school once again, the moon finally visible as they stepped out from the branches.

"Thank Godric," Ella grumbled. "That forest gives me the creeps."

"I'm going to ask the sorting hat if it was really, truly certain about you." Corinne teased.

"Well, well." A new voice rang over the grounds, the three girls whipping around to place it.

"Look who's out and about after curfew, George." The Weasley twins wore matching mischievous smiles as they leaned against the greenhouse.

"And no surprise you two are out." Taylor smirked as they both shrugged.

"The question is, what are three well behaved Gryffindors doing out at this hour?" Fred asked, stepping closer to the girls.

"Oh, come off it, Freddie." George wore a knowing smile. "We know what they're looking for."

"I highly doubt that." Ella laughed, turning back to the school, obviously intent on getting at least a bit of sleep that night.

"See, I think we know exactly what you're looking for." Fred hurried to block Ella's way.

"The same thing everyone's been out here looking for the past week." George continued.

"The little white flowers inside Baker's purse?" Fred pointed a finger towards the bag at the Corinne's hip.

"We do love our midnight gardening, what can we say? Now if you'll excuse us, some of us are very tired." Ella pulled on her friends in one last ditched effort to get back to the castle.

"So you won't be needing some of these, then?" George held out a hand revealing three long stems with orangish striped flowers.

Taylor's jaw dropped. "Where'd you find those!"

"We know every inch of this place, Taylor." He grinned, holding out a flower for her.

"So you guys are making the potion too?" Ella raised a mocking eyebrow.

prospicere futurum | fred weasley | cedric diggoryWhere stories live. Discover now