Chapter 3

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Nobody's pov

Linux Corporation 02: 30 PM

all students from M.A.T.A including Boboiboy was sent in to Linux corporation as the enemy was reported to be trying to steal the Daivat cube which is the power source of 60% power source which is 3/5 of cyberaya power source 

The front and inside of the Linux Corporation were both magnificent, with marble floors and magnificent walls, and all of the Cyberaya students were given the responsibility of defending the Daivat Cube while donning disguises to prevent the enemy from learning that they had got there.

They had been divided into groups, and Boboiboy was in the group with Ali and Alicia. He was happy to be partnered with them as they searched for the location of the Daviat cube.

they were now walking around while wearing an ear piece while looking around not letting there guard down,while people were running away to the exit and to see a robot running after the people

then boboiboy quickly  dragged them both out of sight of the robot until the robot pass them making boboiboy took a deep breath while uncovering his hand out of ali and alicia's hand keeping them quite and not saying a word

Ali said, "Why did you do that?

"it's because our mission is to defend the daviat cube we know where it is now and we need to go there fast and making them know that were already here makes it so we get ambushed "boboiboy explained to ali quitely so the robot wont hear them

"that is true"alicia said

"plus we need to tell rosa,mika and jet to be more sneaky"alicia said touching her earpiece

"why?"boboiboy asked

"They've already arrived," Alicia said.

"When the robot is preoccupied, we should flee," Boboiboy remarked as he dragged Ali and Alicia out of the area.

"where was the daviat cube located again?" Boboiboy said dragging ali and alicia with one hand running while the both trying to keep up

"near the security room"alicia answered

"where is the security room"boboiboy asked again

"floor 2 third hallway the 4th door to the left that is the security room the daivat cube is right next to the security room"alicia answered

"alright hold tight"boboiboy said

turning into boboiboy light then teleport to the security room

"how did you do that?"ali questioned

"that's for another time lets go we have no time"boboiboy said racing out of the door of the security room

When Boboiboy opened the door, three students identified as Jet, Mika, and Roza were waiting for the others to arrive while on guard. Boboiboy made them point their weapons at them before lowering it to discover that the visitor was the new student.

The girl, who was chewing bubble gum, said, "Oh it's just the new kid, lower you're weapons," while Ali and Alicia appeared to be standing behind Boboiboy.

"Hello, my name is Roza," said Roza.

The sole boy wearing the same color scheme as Roza said, "The name is Jet."

When Boboiboy, Ali, and Alicia entered the room, Boboiboy said, "Ah, nice to meet you," and then closed the door.

to notice that there is a room that has a sign saying, "Do not enter," with the other three standing guard at the door. which is probably where the daivat cube is

Alicia said, "We should wait for the others."

then three stood in their positions that they were ordered to be inwhile they awaited the enemy's arrival.

30 minutes later

All of the students arrived after 30 minutes, but some of them were waiting outside the room's door. There are people guarding the door to the daivat cube, and boboiboys group is the group that is guarding the daivat cube inside the room.

then boboiboy heard a door broke making it fall then the room of the daivat cube door was broken to be reveal on who was trying to steal the daivat cube

"wait...isnt that borara?!"


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