Chapter 4

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Nobody's pov

The unidentified individual appeared to be able to knock down two doors with a single kick, but fortunately, no one was hurt or injured in any way as a result of that action. But this unidentified being was recognized by boboiboy as Borara,

but that person Did not appear to know who Boboiboy was or appeared to be too focused to care who was protecting or guarding the Daivat cube. He was seen with four people, but they remained outside the door without entering the room.

The rest just remained there, perplexed by what had happened when borara noticed that Boboiboy was present and sneered at him while approaching him. holding a weapon that seems to be a gun with some patterns in it

A look from Boboiboy ended Borara's sentence, "well welll well If It Isn't The Ele-"

Boboiboy threatens to borara while admiring his new weapon, a large rifle. "don't you dare say it," he says.

Borara said, displaying his newly created rifle, "oh, you like my new weapon? Thanks, I just made it for this event but I didn't expect you would be here as you would surely have more busy things to do, wouldn't you?"

That's it, you spoke too much, Boboiboy said, fearing they would probe him

"All well, then, don't mind me, I'll just take the daviat cube." Borara spoke as he moved toward the daivat cube, but he was struck by a yoyo, which caused him to turn around and notice Ali, the iris user.

Borara's mocking remark to the boy, "yeah and looks like this is the iris user, the one who is useless without iris," caused Ali to tighten his hold on his weapon.

"Since you were attacked by an 11-year-old, you should keep your mouth shut,"Boboiboy advised Borara.

"Why you!" Borara said as he prepared to fire Boboiboy with his rifle.

However, boboiboy afterwards changed into boboiboy leaf and grabbed the rifle with his vines.

Borara said with an evil grin while conjuring a weapon that is a scythe with some green chemicals in the scythe and surrounding it with a poisonous aura, "Oh, you think that's my only weapon please you haven't even seen my other weapons."

"look at the Yudokuna doku. It was created by one of my teammates, YoYo, who you might also recognize as Boboiboy." Borara pointed at the maker and laughed like a lunatic.

but ali then kicked Borara in the face with his aero boots, causing Borara to spit blood but ali doing nothing serious to the rest of borara body, and Borara just turned around and appeared unharmed.

"Oh! You appear to have chosen Death!" Borara laughed as he swung his scythe, causing some of the chemicals to flow out, but Ali avoided it thanks to Iris' assistance.

"Gaga naz attack the kids and make sure they dont escape alive" borara ordered to the fellow named Gaga Naz

"Who the hell Are You Guys?" Ali hesitated before stepping back to make sure the chemicals didn't touch him just in case they were harmful. He was still holding onto his yo-yo.

"Oh? The Tim Tengkotas are us "Borara introduced his squad to the assembled squads while swinging his scythe at Ali, cutting him, and allowing chemicals to pour into the wound in his chest.

Alicia promptly yelled, "Ali!" and dashed to his side, learning that the green compounds were a lethal toxin.

"Everyone stay away from the green chemicals,"Alicia cautioned the battling students. that are battling Gaga Naz

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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