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It's late and we still haven't seen Nunew, We don't know where he went especially since no one saw him leave.

Did you really not see him alpha? He followed you earlier; Josh said, I shook my head.

I didn't see him, I left earlier and I didn't notice that he followed me; I said, I can see the worry on Josh's face.

We're the hell is he, fuck, Phones was useless; He says, Phone was really useless here, There was no signal in this place.

Where else has he gone? The village chef asked, I went to the mountain that I brought him but he was not there.

I can't wait, I have to find him; Josh said and immediately ran, luckily Max blocked him.

Where will you find him? You will also lose Josh calm down first; Max said to him, But Josh insisted on going.

Everywhere, I have to find him, Leave me alone Max; He said but Max still stopped him.

We will find him you have to calm down first; Josh shook his head and sat on the floor.

He's scared of the dark do you know that, He's fucking scared of the dark; He shouted at us, Max looked at me, It was 10 pm at night and the place was very dark already.

Come with me James, Let's find him; I told James, He immediately followed me with a flashlight.

Nunew, We're you; Josh said silently while Max held him in his arms.

James and I left immediately both of us holding flashlights. We looked carefully every way until we got to the falls, It's quite far from the camp. I looked around to see if he's here.

Alpha, It looks like someone is lying on the side of the falls; James said, I looked closely, He's right it looks like someone was there, I immediately went there with my gun out. When we got there I was immediately surprised by the person I saw.

Nunew; I immediately approached him, He lost consciousness, James arrived beside me.

It was really him, What is he doing here? This place was far from the camp already; He said, I touched his pulse and heart, I sighed of relief when I can hear his heartbeat.

He lost consciousness James, Let's take him to Max; I told him, He nodded and light my way, I lifted Nunew back. I looked at him from time to time, His face was still gentle even though he was unconscious. When we arrived at the camp, Josh immediately ran to us when he saw me carrying Nunew.

Max, help him, He lost consciousness near the falls; I said, Max immediately came to us, I bring him to my room and laid him down there.

Lift up his clothes zee; Max said, I was going to raise his clothes but Josh stopped me.

Josh what are you doing? I need to examine him; Max said, I saw that josh hesitated, He first looked at Nunew and closed his eyes for a moment and he lifted the clothes of nunew himself.

Scar? The length of his wound was so big near on his chest; Max said and touched his wound, I already saw it last time when I dressed him.

Where did he get this scar? James asked in surprise, They both looked at Josh.

Surgery; Josh's answer was simple and he looked at nunew.

Surgery? Max repeat josh words, He immediately checked Nunew but he stopped again and looked at Josh.

Heart surgery? Max asked, Josh's eyes widened and immediately pulled down Nunew's clothes.

No, just a simple surgery near the heart; He said while his gaze was avoiding us, Max frowned but eventually nodded.

He's okay, I think Josh already knows what to do; He said and looked at Josh.

I'll take care of him, Thank you; Josh said, I'm confused by what they're doing as if Max knew something that Josh didn't want to tell.

Let's leave them alone zee; Max said, I looked at Nunew and followed Max.

Is he okay Max? I asked, He looked at me and nodded.

Kind of but I need to talk to him tomorrow; He said, I nodded at him with confused.


I can't be wrong, It's really a heart surgery or heart transplant? That was one of the scar that can be left at the patient who undergo that kind of surgery but I'm even more confused by Josh's reaction, He doesn't want others to know about it and that's what I don't understand why. When I returned to the room, My phone immediately rang and it was my investigator, I answered it right away.

Any news? I immediately Said.

I only got simple details from Josh Nattasitt, Sir, His real name is Nat Nattasitt, Son of business tycoon mike Nattasitt and Juvy-an Nattasitt, The owner of the xxxxx manufacturer here in Thailand and around the globe, Their family is known because It is one of the largest food distributors in the world; He said, like what I expected, He is not just a simple person that's why I doubted them, I know that there's another reason behind there volunteer teacher.

About Nunew? I asked.

This kid has very strict security so I only got a little, Maybe you already know about this but I will say it anyway sir, He is Nunew Chawarin, 21 Year's old, Son of Mr. Top and Mrs. Lea Chawarin, The biggest distributor of oil company around the world, Apart from this info I don't see anything else about him; He said, I was turned all over my room, Oil distributor? If that's the case so the man he says in the story was his father.

Is there any other info about his dad? I asked but before he could answer, My eyes widened when Nunew entered my room, He was just looking straight at me.

Nunew? I said, He went inside.

You're investigating us? but you won't know anything, If you want to know me asked me yourself; He said while standing on the side of the door.

What are you doing here in my room? I asked, He took a deep breath before answering me.

I think you know about this; He said and threw a small battle at me. I looked at what it was, a container of medicine that I know not everyone can afford to buy.

This medicine is expensive; I just told him, He took something out of his pocket and threw his card at me.

I can't leave the mountain and I need those can you please buy them for me? He said softly, I was about to answer but the door opened again and this time Zee entered.

I will go with you; He said, Nunew panicked and he took the medicine container and his card from me, He immediately shook his head and went straight outside.

Nunew; I called but he didn't turn around.

What medicine is it? Zee asked, I look at him for a moment and shook my head, He doesn't want zee to know and I respect that for now, Maybe there's something behind it.

Don't know, I just know that those capsules are expensive; I said, Zee came out immediately, I just took a deep breath. Whatever the reason they came here, I hope it's not bad.

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