𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽

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They said, Joy comes with sadness , I thought everything would end that night but fate is playing with me again, I am alive but that was the last day I saw the brightness of the world but despite the darkness of my sight, I found the silence I longed for.

Nunew, Why are you standing there, you might fall down, young master; Ate Rosa said, I tried to hold the railings, I just woke up.

How did I survive? I asked her, She held my arm and helped me enter the room.

The doctors did everything to save you but you paid the big price, You will never see again for the rest of your life one of the infections that you got during surgery; Ate rosa said, I nodded and sat to the bed.

Where are we? Do my parents know that I'm alive? I asked.

As you said, When you survive no one will know, The doctors announced you as dead like what you said to them; She said, I just took a deep breath and took my cane, I can no longer see, Everything was dark but it's fine with me.

Are we still in Thailand? I asked while going down the stairs, She helped me.

No, we're now in UK; She said.

Book a flight back to Thailand; I said to her.

Are you going to visit your parents? I shook my head at her.

No, I will remain dead on them, I just have to go somewhere there; I told her, She asked me to sit on the chair so I sat down.

Okay, I'll do that right away; I nodded at her and I smiled when I felt the wind touch my skin.

Ate rosa do you want to visit your family? I asked her, I don't like to be her burden.

Young master, You forgot that I don't have a child, I also talk to my mother everyday, I can take you to them when we go home; She said, I just nodded to her and closed my eyes.

Are you all right young master? She said.

Ate rosa just call me nunew, You're like a family to me; I told her, She was there for me since child.

I know that nunew, I saw you as my son too; She said, I looked for her hand when I touched it, I squeezed it to feel it.

Thank you for not leaving me; I said, I won't see anymore for the rest of my life and I'm fine with it.

Nunew, like I said, I treat you like my own child no matter what happens, I'm always here for you; I just smiled and nodded to her.


That day I thought josh was just joking but he wasn't, Everything he said was true and now it's too late to apologize to him, He's no longer in this world, I can't forgive myself for saying those words to him, I'm sorry I didn't listen to the explanation Nuw, I regret everything I said. I'm here where he lies forever, He's gone forever and it's my fault.

Zee It's almost new year, You won't go back to camp? James asked because he is here with me now. I put the flowers I'm holding before I look back at James.

Do you think he can forgive me? I asked James.

I don't know, No one knows so I can't answer your question; He said, I smiled a little, It's almost 2 years now.

Maybe not, I don't deserve it anyway; I said to him.

Alpha, You live with regrets for almost two years, You have to let go of that there are things we really didn't expect, You were just shocked by what you found out that day that's why you said those painful words; I shook my head at him and stood up, I looked at his grave and then left the place. I put my anger before listening to him, He lost his life because of that so how can I forgive myself.

Since we are here in Bangkok let's go around first, Let's buy a gift for the children; I told James, He was happily followed me.

What do children want; He said while thinking, Josh didn't come back either for these two years, I knew that the children waited for his return but I understand that he can't go back to that place especially he lost two of his friends at they say time.

James and I immediately arrived at the goods market, There are many festivals in December especially Christmas and New Year.

Ate Rosa we're are you? I stopped and my heart beat faster, That voice. I immediately turned back and almost froze where I stood, He's....... He's alive? I saw him, He was holding a stick and he look like he's waiting for someone. I immediately ran between us and hugged him.

Nunew; I say, While hugging him.

Who are you? Why are you hugging me? He panicked while saying it

Nunew It's me alpha zee; I say, He moved a little away from me.

Who are you, How did you know me? He said, I'm confused by what he did, There's something wrong with him.

Nunew, You're just here I've been looking for you, You scared me, You know u can't see right? My world stop because of what the woman says, What did she mean?

Ate Rosa, There are men here, You know them? He said while looking for the woman's hand, She immediately grabbed his arm.

I don't know them, Who are you guys? The girl named Rosa asked.

Nunew You didn't remember us? James asked but he just shook his head.

What happened to him? I asked, The woman looked at Nunew and smiled a little.

I'm sorry if master nunew did something, He can no longer see things ; He said, I looked at Nunew.

Let's go ate; He said, The woman nodded and he held him by the arm.

Zee.... He's really alive? James said in shock as he looked at Nunew.

Can't believe it either; I say while looking at him are you really him? If you are Nunew Chawarin, Who is the person buried in the tomb there? It's seems unreal but it's really him. He lost his sight? What really happened that day? He's alive but why Josh and his parents don't know it? It's too confusing.

( Nunew POV )

I can no longer see him so it's not that painful, It's not that hurt anymore It's not like before. I didn't expect to see him right away off all people, He's the person I didn't expect to see.

You know them Nunew? Sister Rosa asked, I nodded at her.

From the past, Don't worry he's mad at nunew Chawarin I'm sure he won't tell that to others that he saw me, I'm sure he wants me to suffer; I say, I don't want to meet people from the past.

Nunew, I know what happened before,is he the man that you love? She asked, I put a little smile and eventually nodded.

Yes! but that's all from the past, I can no longer feel love and I doesn't know the word love anymore, I just want to live peacefully and that's all; I said, She took a deep breath as we continued walking, She's the guide because for me I'm walking for the unknown. I can't see but it doesn't mean I can't hear, Since I lost my sight my ears served as my eyes.

When do you want to go to that mountain? Ate Rosa asked, When we got in the car.

31 at night, Can you leave me there and come back to me at 12:30; I told her.

No! What if you fall there especially when you can't see the way; She said, I leaned on the car.

I will not move where you leave me, Just take brother Jerome with you; I said, I felt like the car we were in started. I closed my eyes and listened to the surroundings.

Nice seeing you again alpha.

𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ☆♥︎𝐙𝐍𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐂☆♥︎Where stories live. Discover now