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Scene: Lila's room. Lila gathers her things as she listens to a voicemail on her phone.

Lila's mother: (through a voicemail) Hi, darling. Your breakfast is on the table, your lunch is in a bag, and your dinner is in the fridge. I'll be home late tonight again, but I'll do my best to be there this weekend. Pinky promise. And just call me if you need anything. Love you to bits, my angel! (blows a kiss)

Scene: Near the bakery. Nino is seen walking and Lila appears. Nino notices her and runs to her.

Nino: Is something wrong, Lila?

Lila: Uh, no, I'm doing great! It's just that... my mom wants me to go with her to this fancy embassy function tonight, but I got way too much homework and I'm so behind after being away for the first term. I'm just gonna have to tell her no. She'll be so upset...

Nino: Oh, yeah. Bummer.

Lila: Adrien said he'd help me, but I don't want to bother him with it. He's probably forgotten anyway. He might think I've got a crush on him, just like all those other girls who are constantly hanging all over him.

Nino: Adrien's a great dude. I'm sure he won't mind. I can put in a good word for you if you want.

Lila: Oh, you'd do that for me? Oh thanks, Nino, you're the best!

Nino: No sweat.

Scène: Collège Françoise Dupont.

Nino: (runs to Adrien as he is getting out of his car) Hey, Adrien!

Adrien: Hi, Nino. What's up?

Lila: (smirks)

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom. The school had just started.

Miss Bustier: Scarlet, can I have a word with you outside?

Scarlet: (nervous) Umm.... sure Miss Bustier?

(Miss Bustier opens the door.)

Miss Bustier: Estella. I'm relying on you to make sure things don't get out of hand while we're gone.

Estella: Okay, Miss.

Scarlet and Miss Bustier leave the classroom. In the hallway, Miss Bustier hold Scarlet's calculus work and it is shown as an F.

Miss Bustier: Scarlet, when I mark your work it shows that you failed calculus, This isn't like you, Is everything alright Scarlet?

Scarlet: (ashamed) Everything is fine Miss Bustier, it just... calculus isn't one of my strengths and looks so complicated and I'm so confused with it. Are you gonna send me to the principal office?

Miss Bustier: (giggled) No Scarlet... I'm not gonna send you there just because you failed your calculus.

Scarlet: So.... what more can I do Miss Bustier?

Miss Bustier: Why don't you ask Adrien to tutor you, when I look at his work he got an A. I'll tell you what... I'll reschedule you for a calculus Exam while Adrien is tutoring you until you get better with it.

Scarlet: I can do that Miss Bustier, I'll ask him at the end of the day. Thank you

Miss Bustier: You're welcome. Come on Scarlet, let's get the class started.

Scarlet and Miss Bustier enter the classroom

a few hours later as School has just ended.

Scarlet: Hey Adrien, can you please tutor me on Calculus cause I failed badly on it?

Adrien: Oh... What grade did you get?

Scarlet: (Ashamed) An F, I felt so embarrassed that I asked you to tutor me cause I'm failing but I didn't know that my grade was so bad.

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