☆ seven ☆

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It's a smidgen short, but mainly just a filler chapter, enjoy!


When I came to, all of my surroundings had changed. The bright fluorescent lights reflected against the white brick walls, chasing me to blink my eyes a few times. I started at the mirror in front of me, automatically assuming it was one way.

The door opened and a man walked in. I did not know him, and his face held next to no emotion. He wore suit pants and a light green button up, paired with a yellow tie. He seemed middle aged, perhaps around fifty-three. He pulled the seat out, sitting down as his body protested with creaks and pops. His graying hair had receded to reveal the top of his head and his blue eyes seemed tired and worn with age.

“Now, son.” He began, tone just as cold as it had seemed it would be. If not colder somehow. “We found a strand of hair, one that we tested as yours. There was a hefty amount of blood, but all of it seemed to be Mr. Malcolm’s.”

I sat, silent, trying to think of a way out of this.

“Tell me what happened, son.” The man said, firmly. I gulped.

“Malcolm and I… had a fight. He was trying to get me to come back home when I didn’t want to. He… He punched me a few times and then stood up, as if he had heard something,” I tried to move my hands around to further explain my story, but the jingle of the metal sounded. “I think he was worried about the Heelshire’s finding him.”

The man nodded, writing something down. He reached to the floor, sitting back up to set a bag with bloody contents on the table. “The investigation team found this behind a bookshelf.”

He slid the bag forward and I studied it. Inside was a dagger of respectable size, the blade covered in dry blood and dust. I frowned. “I’ve never seen this before in my life.”

The man's brow raised. “Really? Well we’ve identified it as the murder weapon. But you know what’s funny?” The man paused to chuckle, placing both of his arms on the table and leaned forward. “The prints belong to someone who doesn’t exsist.”

My brows furrowed. “So? What does this have to do with me, sir?”

“Nothing.” He smiled as he sat back in his chairs. “Not a thing. And that’s why you’re here. We arrested you because at the time you were the prime suspect. But now…”

“Well, now, we don’t know who to suspect. Until we’ve found the body, we won’t know.” A new voice finished. I looked up to see a woman with dark hair and formal clothes. When I stared closer, I noticed she had hazel eyes that glistened with a fierce veracity. “So we’re putting you on house arrest, Mr. Lawrence.”

I wanted to protest. I hadn’t done anything wrong… not really. Instead, I nodded. “What happens when you find the body?”

The woman walked over and unfastened my restraitns. The man sitting infront of me smiled. It was cold and chilling, in no way friendly or reassuring.

“We test it for DNA.” The man said. “My name is Mr. Daley. You’ll be seeing a lot of me and Ms. Savannah here.”

I nodded, remembering their names quite easily. Savannah hoisted me out of my seat and I nearly tumbled over. My feet took a moment to wake up before I followed them out of the room. As I had suspected, the was a door right night to the one we came out of. It opened and more men dressed similarly to Mr. Daley exited the small room, each one varying in height, size, and hair color.

I watched them disappear behind a corner as Savannah brought me to a front desk. She reached over it to grab a device. Crouching down, she applied it to my ankle. Once back to her full height, she gave me a smile and I couldn’t tell if I should feel angered or threatened.

I simply smiled awkwardly in return, wanting to get home as fast as possible.

The ride back to the mansion was excruciatingly long and quiet. I tapped my fingers on the seat, now free of my restraints. I wanted to say something, but bit my tongue as I didn’t want to upset them. The last thing I needed was to actually be detained.

Once Mr. Daley parked in front of the manor, I waited patiently for either of them to let me out. Ms. Savannah opened my door and I tried my best to not look so eager.

Once both feet were on the ground, I started walking hastily towards the door. I opened it, unhappy to find it unlocked. When I got in, the house was a mess. I frowned seeing all the overturned furniture and pictures on the floor.

It was either the investigation team, or Brahms.

My vote was on the latter. I had – luckily – never been on the receiving side of one of Brahms' tantrums, and I yet to see their extent. However, that didn’t change the fact I most certainly did not want to be.

“Oh, wow.” Savannah muttered. “Yeah, good luck with that. We’ll be back tomorrow.”

I nodded, absent minded-ly. When the door shut, I ran from room to room, looking for Brahms.

“Brahms!” I called. “Brahms!”

He came around the corner to find me, and he threw his arms around my frame. “I thought you left for good.”

I hugged him back. “We’ll be fine as long as we put the body somewhere.”

“I put it in the river.” He mumbled.

“Okay, water. Free of any possible DNA traces.” I pulled back a little pressing a chaste kiss to the side of his mask. “Are you hungry?”

Brahms nodded, nuzzling into my shoulder. “Don’t leave me anymore. Please.”

“I won’t, Brahms. I promise.”

Broken Shadow ☆ Brahms x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now