Chapter 1

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Little Maka Evans

Chapter 1

A/N: My first Soul Eater fanfic, and no, only the first chapter is confusing and speech only. It's like a prologue and it totally short;;

But I think to make a goal: to write chapter everyday or two, because I'm from those people who write a chapter a week only because they got only one hour or two hours a week to write;;

"Mama, Papa, I want ice-cream!"

"Alright, Maka-chan! It's right across the road, so wait on that bench and we will be back quick!"

"Okay, Papa!"

"And don't talk to strangers!"

"Okay, Mama!"


"Maka, we are back!"

"Papa! Mama!"

"Man, you're running fast. Right, Hu-?" BAM.





"Apparently, she lost her parents, that were hit by a car. All the road was covered in blood and... ice-cream?"

"They died on the spot, smiling. The problem is their daughter, she got no relatives and no one she knows would like to take care of her."

"Then we must send her to an orphan, which is our only choice."


"Hey, new kid, what's your name?"


"Hey, don't ignore me!"


"Go get me some KitKat or you will get all bloody!"

"...Yes, I'm going..."


It was like that for a week...

"Hey, Blondie, get me some snacks and drinks!"

"I got no money..."

"Then steal you bitch!"


"Ms. Albarn, come to my office for a sec. And you, Ms. Hanter, you are in trouble for bullying."


"Don't die... you little brat... BEFORE I GET YOU!"

"That's enough!"



"Maka-chan, I'm your new father, John Evans. And that's your new brother, Soul Eater Evans. You will be considered as twins because you both are the same age."

"Nice to meet you..."


"Hello? Maka girl?"


"Are you alright?"


"Soul, be nice to her. C'mon, let's go to the car."


"After you..."



"That's your room."


"Are you sure you okay?"





"It looks just like my room..."

"Then you will settle down here perfectly."

"...Yes, Mr. Soul Eater Evans..."

"Don't call me formally! Call me Soul like everyone else! Geez!"


"Soul...why are you hugging me?"

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