Chapter two

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They walked together through the hospital, Harry's head hung low so as to not get recognised by many people. They made it to Jay's room relatively quickly. "Stay in the hall for a minute," Lottie directed to Harry. "I'm gonna see if she's awake." Harry nodded and sat down on a chair outside the room, bouncing his knee nervously.

Lottie walked out again not even a minute later. "Yeah she's awake. C'mon." She walked back into the room and Harry hastily followed her. Jay was propped up against some pillows, making it easier for her to sit up. She smiled lightly as Harry stepped tentatively into the room.

"Hey Jay, long time no see." He waved awkwardly. Jay beckoned him over with open arms. "Harry! I've missed you darling. Come hug your mama Jay." Harry accepted the tight embrace and tears bristled, threatening to fall as he whispered, "I missed you too."


They talked for a while about everything; what the past year had been like for them, how Anne and Robin were doing, how great Louis was with the little ones. They talked about Harry's up and coming album, how the girls were doing, and how Louis was doing (Harry ToTaLlY didn't want to know).

After about half an hour Lottie peeked her head into the room, smiling when she saw Harry and her mum chatting and smiling animatedly. Harry's hand resting gently on Jay's upper arm whenever he laughed a little harder than needed. "Harry, Lou just texted me that he's here." The laughter in the room ceased and Harry visibly tensed. Jay muttered something to him and he nodded, standing up and walking towards lottie. She walked away from the door and announced that she was getting some cafeteria food and that she'd be back momentarily.

Harry softly shut the door to Jay's room and froze when he turned around, lips pursing as he clutched his keys tighter in his fist. Louis stared at him for a moment with an unreadable facial expression.

Their staring contest ended when Harry felt two small bodies running into his hips. He looked down at Daisy and Phoebe who had latched onto his waist. "Harry!" They exclaimed in unison. Harry chuckled softly, "hey girls! Look how tall you both have gotten! I missed you!" When he looked back up to Louis he was gone, Jay's door clicking shut softly.


"Mum, why is he here?" Louis grumbled as he stepped into the room. He sat down in the chair closest to Jay's bed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Hello to you as well love. I invited him." Jay shrugged. Louis sighed and shook his head, upset.

"Why? He's a pretentious ass."

"I want him here. And don't call him that, hun. He doesn't deserve it. You're the one that decided to end it. Not him."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I want to see him here."

"I'm your mum. I'm in the hospital. I'm sorry if you are unhappy but he is still family to the rest of us."

"What did Lottie have to say about this?" Louis knew she took their breakup the worst out of everyone, almost as bad as he did.

"They apparently talked it out."

Louis rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat. "Great." Jay felt sympathy towards her son and rested her hand on his bicep.

"Please; just let him stay and try to be civil." He begrudgingly agreed.

After a few more minutes of mindless chatter the nurse entered the room to do another round of vital check-ups. Louis left them alone. He left the room and walked slowly to the waiting room, already knowing Harry was most likely playing with the girls to keep them occupied. Harry, his Harry who came- no, he's not yours anymore Louis scolded himself for even allowing himself to think that. He walked into the waiting room and had to school the almost fond smile that threatened to emerge. He's just playing tag with them. That's it. It's not like you imagined him doing that with your ki- "Girls. Mark wants me to drive you home for dinner." He interrupted his thoughts. The girls stopped giggling and running and pouted.

"Awh. Can Harry come?" Daisy asked apprehensively, grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him closer to Louis. "Please, please, please, please, pleaseee." The girls begged. Harry looked uncomfortable at the plea.

"No girls, it's alright. I'll eat out tonight."

"No hazzy pleaseee! Pretty please with sugar and sprinkles on top?" Phoebe whined.

"It's up to Lou- Louis. Ask your brother."

Louis sighed. "Fine." The girls cheered happily. "Go say bye to mum and grab your coats."

Awkward silence surrounded the pair as the girls ran off. Harry rocking on the balls of his feet while Louis fidgeted with his hands. Harry took an audible breath before speaking. "Listen, I know you don't want me here or around you but I'm staying. Jay wants me to so I will. I want to be here for everyone as much as you do." Louis rolled his eyes, "they're my siblings, and she's my mum. If she wants you here, fine. Just stay out of my way."

He pushed past Harry as the girls came back and plastered a smile on his face. "Let's go then, shall we?"


To say dinner was awkward is an understatement. Harry said hello to Fizzy (who promptly jumped on him and wrapped her legs around his waist, squealing out of pure joy into his shoulder). The table was silent for the most part. Ernest and Doris making a fuss every so often. "So... I heard you were writing an album?" Mark asked Harry, breaking the silence.

Harry cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah. I finished recording the first song today. Just before Lottie called me actually."

"What's the song called?" Fizzy questioned, leaning her head in her hands.

"It's called Two Ghosts." He briefly snuck a glance at Louis who was picking at a piece of broccoli on his plate.

"What's it about?"

"I found it in my old journal. It's probably from around 2013. I don't really remember what was going through my head when I wrote it but I thought it was relevant enough to record." Another quick glance towards Louis.

"Hey Haz?" Lottie interrupted, changing the subject. "Isn't your usual studio like an hour away? How did you get to the hospital so fast?" Harry sighed. "My house flooded a few days ago and needs major repairs so I found a hotel closest to a studio and it was here. I've been crashing there but my booked time is up so I was just gonna crash at a friends'. Nick lives around here I believe." Louis pursed his lips but kept his mouth shut. No need to bring up old jealousy. The past is in the past.

"Why don't you crash at Louis'? He just finished renovating the guest room. Right, Lou?" Lotties statement pulled Louis out of his thoughts.

"Oh, what? Uh, yeah."

Lottie clapped her hands together. "Perfect! Harry can stay at yours until his house renovations are done! If that's alright with you." She added.

"Uh- yeah sure I guess." He stammered.

"Are you sure you're okay with it? I don't want to pressure you. It's fine no matter what." Harry chimed in.

"No no, truly! It's fine. You can grab your car and bags from the hospital after dinner." 

What have I done?


hello loves :) 

have you eaten anything? drank enough water? 

I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Gigi x.

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