The voice

43 8 6

I felt my body slowly descending into the water no other thoughts in my head besides my two children in closet waiting for me to come get them as the water filled my lungs from my struggles as I angrily pushed Aiden away from me. And I welcomed the feeling of helplessness tears freely flowing from my eyes yet unnoticed as I was in water
Soon my limbs became tired from my flailing around and I let my self succumb to the darkness. different scenes played through my vision. I guess this is what they mean by your life flashes before your eyes
One scene stuck out to me in particular, the one where Aiden had tried to teach me how to swim and that was the last thing I saw right before my vision turned black and I felt consciousness slip through me

***********POV CHANGE *************

Silver's pov
Mom said she was coming back that she would be back soon yet it had been three hours now or I'm not sure you can't really tell the time when you're in a dark closet. Star had cried herself to sleep a while ago and I'd been left alone with my thoughts since then. I knew star would wake up soon and I knew she would ask why we were still in the closet and then she'd ask where mum was and then she'd cry and ask were dad was as he was almost always on her side even during her incessant crying as mum called it but that was what I didn't know

I didn't know where mum was, I didn't know where dad was either, I didn't know when they were coming back or if they would come back together, if they were already on their way, or if mum had forgotten about us
No I knew the answer to that one mum would never forget us I just knew it. I thought about going out to look for her but her last words were not to come out until she came to get us so I continued to wait

Another hour had passed and star finally woke up from her nap. Her eyes blinked rapidly for a while and when she realised we were still in the closet her eyes began to water and I prepared myself for the questions to come rolling in

" silver" I heard her say in a small voice as tugged on my finger

" yes" I replied looking down at her cringing at the sight of her red teary eyes and runny nose

" when's mum coming to get us" I knew that she knew the answer from the way she looked at me, she looked at me as if she wanted me to prove her wrong, like there was something I knew that she didn't but unfortunately for her we were both given the same instructions

" no star but I know she'll be back soon" I said hoping I sounded believable enough

" and what of dad" came her immediate reply

" he's coming with her" I said yet I knew she didn't believe me. I didn't blame her though

" did mom forget about us" she asked and I knew that she was one wrong answer away from crying but I didn't care because I knew the answer I was sure of it

" no of course not, she would never" I said with soo much certainty

" are you sure" she asked still a bit skeptical

" has mum ever forgotten us before" I asked which resulted in her shaking her head

" yeah and she's not about to start now"

She seemed very satisfied with my answer and with that she placed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes and I knew she was about to fall asleep. How she could sleep after literally just waking up I have no idea but I let a small smile play on my sleep as I watched my sister fall  asleep

******POV CHANGE ******

Alison's pov 
I soon felt myself feeling like I was on dry land which was very different from the feeling of empty void I had become accustomed to for the past hours. I slowly opened my eyes But shut them back immediately due to bright light that entered into them

Slowly I soon opened my eyes again and I realised that I was in fact on land and I was in some sort of field , where was I and o my goddess where was Aiden I immediately sprung up on my feet as I began running around searching frantically for Aiden and I felt a strange feeling of deja vu wash over me yet I didn't stop to figure out what all of these were I just continued looking for him. I had been walking around for hours yet every where looked the same or at least they all had three things in common
They all had clear blue skies with no clouds that seemed to go on forever and lush green grass that seemed so alive and healthy you would think that some body watered it every day and lastly they all lacked the one thing I needed very much Aiden

I wanted to give up but I knew I couldn't give up now I needed to find Aiden and figure out where the hell we were and then make a plan to escape and get back to our children

Oh Aiden where are you I thought to myself as I tried using the mind like to contact him but like every other time I tried it didn't go through
I felt tears pick my eyes and I couldn't help the complete and otter feeling of helplessness wash over take me for the umpteenth time today

So I let my self slowly fall to the floor with a soft thud as I stared around I couldn't help but feel caged no matter how vast this field was and it was only then I saw it 

A black mop of hair and I screamed out in joy as I ran over to him only to see him laying down unmoving so I started to shake him
He still didn't move so I began banging on his chest and screaming in agony I knew he wasn't dead as I would have felt it by now if he was yet that didn't make this situation any better

" Aiden wake up so we can escape" I screamed in frustration tears falling freely from my eyes
And then I heard a powerful voice thundering from a distance

"Escape?" The voice called out before bellowing out an equally as powerful and thundering laughter but this laughter wasn't funny nor calming instead it was terrifying

Authors note

Yassss another cliff hanger
Soo can anyone guess who the 'voice' is
Poor star and sliver any way please don't forget to vote and comment what you think
1000+ words again woohoo

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