Mummy dearest

26 8 7

My kids

Once I had caught my breath I pushed Aiden off of me and ran sprinting into the children's room. I ran to the closet Pulling the door open only to find it empty oh no no no no
My babies where had they gone
" noooooo"

"Silver" I screamed even though I knew he was gone
" star" I said calling out to my youngest hoping that at least I have not lost the both of them even if that was selfish of me I didn't care because at this point I was hanging on to any thread I could find
With no reply I slowly fell to the floor while leaning against the closet door

" nooooooo" I screamed in agony. I had lost everything, my mate and now my children
Why was life so cruel to me , what had I done to deserve this. Just then I noticed a piece of paper crumbled on the floor and I rush to open it reading it out loud

Dear Allison
Now you know I'm a very straight forward person soo I'll go straight to the matter.
If your reading this letter then your children are missing. No they are not they are with me bonding with grandma like they would have been if you had not hidden them from me, the only way for you to get them is to come back
Back to the pack and take over as alpha.
We are willing to forget about the omega if only you come back.

Your mother

My eyes watered as I read this horrid letter my babies had been taken away from me. Then why did the moon goddess reassure me that they were okay, why did she make me believe that they were fine and just where I left them
But I knew i did not have much time to lose. I painfully shifted into my wolf s as I knew that was the only way I would be able to carry Aiden and get there fast enough

~~~~~~~~~<pov change>~~~~~~~~~

Amarachi's pov {Allison's wolf}
I could feel Allison's sadness as I dashed through the forest with Aiden on my back.
Is this what the moon goddess meant when she said I would have to go back?
I felt Aiden jerk on my back as I jumped over a fallen tree yet that still was not enough to get me to slow down. I could feel some low hanging branches try to scratch me but my fur protected me from any actual damage Aiden on the other hand not soo much but he'll live
Soo I continued on my run until

"Hey amara" I heard Allison's voice in my head causing me to slow down and take my focus off the forest
"Hey what's up I thought you were supposed to be resting" I said to her while closing my eyes

"Well I....." was the only thing she said as the sound of a howl caused us to stop in our tracks and snap my eyes open

Oh no! how didn't I detect this this place has been claimed by a rogue pack and now I was currently trespassing. I immediately began sprinting in the opposite direction of the howl not caring that it took me deeper into their territory i just wanted to outrun them
I could feel them catching up to me but I didn't care I just needed to escape and of course Like every cliché movie I just had to stumble on a tree stump causing Aiden to fly off by back and me to face plant into the muddy earth

" a fucking tree stump amarachi" Allison scolded
"Oopsies" I said with as much sarcasm I could muster before getting up and sprinting while trying to sniff out Aiden.  I located him and began running in his direction wanting to get to him faster as I knew the rogues could get to him before I did. Why did the moon goddess tell me that this journey would be easier while Aiden was unconscious when it only made this journey two times longer as I had to look out for myself and him also couple with the fact that I can not focus because my babies are in the hands of that witch
I could feel my muscles tiring out from running for over two days but I could not loose Aiden not now not ever at this moment he was all I had left. I continued to push my muscles faster with only one thought in my head I wouldn't be here if not for mummy dearest causing Allison to burst out laughing but this time I did not take my attention away from the road nor my eyes away from Aiden as I knew what happened the last time I did however what I saw next had me skidding to a halt
It was Aiden but that wasn't it however he was standing or well he wasn't he was being held up from the neck by a man over six feet tall and he smiled at me

" looking for this" he said with a sinister smile while slowly tightening his fingers around his neck causing me to whimper and Allison to cringe

"Well how about we fight winner takes him, you know it's been a while since the pack had an omega to satisfy their needs" the way he said needs caused a shiver to go down my spine
When he suddenly shifted charging at me leaving me with no time to react but only to brace myself for impact when all of a sudden a large black wolf jumps in front of me tacking the rogue

Hey guys sorry for the delay but after long wait the complete chapter is finally here
And yassss cliffhanger and I know for certain that none of you know what's coming next. Feel free to comment your guesses aaand maybe maybe not I will tell you if you are  correct
Word count for this chapter is 1000+ as per usual
But don't worry you will still get another chapter tomorrow also I do not even know if you guys read my author's note but if you do can you guys please tell me which of you actually read book one {her omega} in the comments thank you
Also I think this is the first time y'all are meeting Allison's wolf
Don't forget to vote and comment what you think. Your comments are greatly appreciated byeeee
See you tomorrow

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